Студопедия — Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык.
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Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык.

1) well-equipped baking shop and workshops

2) a chance to use his deep knowledge

3) must take into account

4) a full-time student

5) efficient use of different types of farming machines

6) a highly qualified teaching staff

7) take part in preparing soil in spring

Text B “Mechanization and processing of farm product faculty (Agro engineering)”

I study at the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy. It was founded in 1959 as an Agricultural Institute. It got the title of the Academy on 3rd April, 1995.

Our Academy has four Institutes: Agro-Technology, Mechanical-Technology, Institute of Economy and Finance and the Institute of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine.

I am a second-year student of the Mechanizationand processing of farm productfaculty (Agro engineering) of the Mechanical -Technology Institute. Our Institute was founded in 2000. Our faculty was established in 1993. Our faculty trains engineers of processing industry.

Nowadays there are seven faculties at the Mechanical- Technology Institute. It has a highly qualified teaching staff. Moreover, there are 28 modern laboratories: laboratories of agricultural machines, tractors and automobiles, well-equipped baking shop and workshops at the Mechanical-Technology Institute.

We study many subjects, which are interesting and necessary for our future speciality. They are Mathematics, English, descriptive geometry, strength of materials, elements of machines, tractors and automobiles, maintenance and repair of farm machinery, technology of farm product processing and many others. We have a lot of opportunities to become qualified specialists. Here we can learn skills which fit us for a better career in future.

Processing industry is the main branch of industry in our country. Processing of farm products is mechanized nowadays. Full mechanization started in the middle of the 20th century and application of different devices is of great help and importance.

The engineer of processing industry should provide a reliable maintenance of machines both in field and animal husbandry and also organize their repair and technical service. He must be highly qualified at the technology of production processes.

While studying the students of our faculty have their practical work on the experimental training farm and at different enterprises of our region.

An engineer has a chance to use his deep knowledge working at different processing plants and enterprises of our region.

I think I like my future speciality and find it to be very useful and important.

1) to be founded = to be established – быть основанным (быть созданным)

2) highly qualified – высококвалифицированный

3) well-equipped – хорошо оборудованный

4) workshop – мастерская

5) descriptive geometry – начертательная геометрия

6) strength of materials – сопротивление материалов

7) elements of machines – детали машин

8) maintenance – эксплуатация

9) repair – ремонт

10) farm machinery = farming machines – сельскохозяйственные машины

11) to provide – обеспечивать

12) reliable – надежный

13) field husbandry – полеводство

14) animal husbandry – животноводство

15) processing – переработка, обработка

16) farm products – с/х продукты

17) to have some opportunities – иметь возможности

18) application – применение

19) technical service – техническое обслуживание

20) enterprise – предприятие

21) to be of great help – помогать


1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1) Where do you study?

2) When was your higher educational establishment founded?

3) What year-student are you?

4) What faculty do you study at?

5) When was your faculty established?

6) What specialists does your faculty train?

7) How many faculties are there at the Institute now?

8) What subjects do you study to become qualified specialists?

9) What are the main tasks of an engineer of processing industry?

10) Where do the students of your faculty have practical work?

11) What chance has an engineer of processing industry on graduating from the Academy?

12) How do you find your future speciality?

13) Do you like your future speciality? Why?

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I agree with you I wouldn’t say so

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