Студопедия — Assignment #4.
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Assignment #4.

(pp. 32-41)


I. Study the pronunciation:


hideous; quills; congeniality; crucifix; tacit; resignation; choirmaster; somber; luxury; quaint; lore; futile; bodice


II. Study the meaning of the following vocabulary:


¨ to evolve smth. (p. 34)

¨ to be perplexed (p. 34)

¨ to dissipate in (p. 35)

¨ to be fascinated by (p. 35)

¨ to quench excitement (p. 36)

¨ to cast oneself upon smth. (p. 37)

¨ to brood over smth/smb. (p. 38)


Reproduce the situations from the text with these phrases.


III. Think over a situation with the help of which you can encourage your group-mates to use one of the phrases from task II.

IV. Find the English equivalents in the text to:


суметь различить (p. 32); вытянуть (информацию) из кого-либо (p. 34); полупустой зал (о театре) (p. 35); трепетать перед чьим-либо званием (p. 34).


V. Translate into English:


1. Близнецов всегда сложно отличить одного от другого.

2. Прокурору все-таки удалось вытянуть признание из обвиняемого.

3. Линда сразу же оказалась очарована умением Пола говорить комплименты и угадывать желания женщин.

Make up your own sentences to translate from Russian into English.


VI. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage on p. 36 «But the life... of their life».

VII. Items for discussion:

1. In what way were the brothers alike and in what way did they differ?

2. Dwell upon your personal experience of communication with twins, if any.

3. Do you approve of parents trying to make their twin children dress alike?


VIII. Comment on the following:

1. «Many people would never have fallen in love if they had not heard about it» (p. 36)

2. «...even in the most perfect love one person loves less profoundly than the other». (p. 36)



Assignment #5.



I. Study the pronunciation:


proprietor; serene; shepherd; sewing; draught; devout; reticence; wraith; guile; exasperation; prow; merchandise


II. Explain the meaning of the following phrases and reproduce the situations from the text:


¨ to fling oneself about (p. 42)

¨ to become delirious (p. 42)

¨ to skip smth (p. 44)

¨ to be dumped into the street (p. 44)

¨ to allude to smth (p. 45)

¨ to entertain a great respect for smb (p. 47)

¨ to blurt out (p. 50)

¨ to be content with (p. 43)


Encourage your group-mates to use the vocabulary of the task by the situations of your own.


III. Make up 2-3 Russian sentences for your group-mates to translate into Englishusing vocabulary of task II.

IV. Prepare good reading and translation of passage on p. 49. «I hear you went... Is that true»?


V. Items for discussion:


1. What made Esteban suffer after his brother’s death? Were those real sufferings or he exercised some other feelings?

2. Why did Esteban call himself Manuel?

3. Why didn’t Esteban want to take part in Manuel’s funeral?

4. What did Marquesa mean in one of her letters writing about Captain Alvarado that «he goes about the hemispheres to pass the time between now and his old age»?

5. Do thoughts about death come to your mind from time to time? In what way? In what connection?


Assignment #6.

(pp. 51-62)


I. Read chapter IV up to passage «The addition of the Archbishop...» on p. 62.

II. Study the pronunciation:


harlequin; coiffeur; lachrymose; connoisseurship; coterie; masseur; antiques; porcelain; nougat; frontier; omniscient; tenacious; turquoise; renaissance; puerile; omniscience


III. Study the meaning of the vocabulary below and give the situations from the text:


¨ to send word to somewhere (p. 51)

¨ to be moth-eaten by disease (p. 52)

¨ to be swamped with smth. (p. 53)

¨ to live by one’s wits (p. 53)

¨ to be tied down (p. 54)

¨ to reveal oneself (p. 55)

¨ to fall from favour (p. 55)

¨ to be contemptuous of smth. (p. 55)

¨ to bestir smb. (p. 59)

¨ to efface smb. (p. 59)


IV. Think of a situation to encourage your group-mates to use thevocabulary listed above.

V. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage on p. 51 «As the golden wire... mysterious errands of his».

VI. Topics for discussion:


1. Uncle Pio’s biography.

2. How do his life-aims characterize Uncle Pio?

3. Uncle Pio and the ladies.

4. Uncle Pio plays Pygmalion.

5. Comment on the six attributes of the adventurer given on p. 53

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