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Памятка по работе с ювелирной бижутерией.

Talking to Professor Cochrane is probably as close as you can get to time travelling without leaving the Current dimension, as his vision stretches far into the 21 st century and bayou].

His seemingly unshakeable conviction is rim anything is possible if you really put your mind to it. In fact, BT (British Telecom) is already sitting on a host of innovations poised to blow your mind during this century.

Designed for the 21st century, Peter Cochrane's Signet ring is built around a chip that holds all the details of his passport, bank account, medical records and driving licence. According to Cochrane, it’s set to revolutionise shopping, The ring is already a fully operational preform, but it will be some time before you'll be trading your credit card in for the ultimate fashion accessory.

It’s not just jewellery that's set to get smarter. One of the biggest projects down at the Lab is looking at artificial intelligence as a way of creating software programs, networks, telephones and machines with a degree of intelligence built in. By sensing their environment, they should be able to develop new capacities as demands change. ' l have software that is breeding, which is interchangirg genes and creating adaptable behaviour. This means you’ll see the network come alive o it will watch what you do and it will adapt. '

It doesn’t stop there, though, as BT has taken artificial intelligence one step further and created machines that are solving their own problems. ‘We've created solutions that a human being could never have dreamed of. We have solutions, and although we don't understand how they work, they do work. We're effectively increasing the speed of evolution', says Cochrane.

It’s already good to talk, but with artificially intelligent phones on the way it will be even better. Cochrane is at present working on smart phones that can translate English into German, Japanese and French in real-time. 'Some of it’s rocket science, but a lot of it’s extremely simple. What we've built is a kernel of understanding inside a machine that extracts meaning from the sentence itself - at the moment we can do simple things such as phrase books,’ he says. The system uses a non-linear approach that sends the English to the understanding kernel in die machine and then fans it out to all the other languages simultaneously.

There’s no doubt that Cochrane is putting a lot of faith in intelligent machines, particularly when it Comes to cutting through the deluge of information that he says is the downside of the electronic revolution. BT's solution is the development of intelligent agents that watch. learn and start communicating, it's not all work down at the Lab, though. BT's also involved in an on-going trial that it claims will revolutionise our leisure time in particular the way we watch TV. ‘We put people on the Internet and broadcast TV at the same time, so that the people at home could actually influence what was happening on their TV sets. As a result, it became interactive and therefore more active.

BT has its fingers in multiple pies and has made biotechnology another core focus of R&D.

‘Personally, I think hospitals are very dangerous places to be. There are lots of viable alternatives. For a start, we can stop hanging up I hospital wards by putting people online.’ BT has already developed a pack for heart attack victims that monitors their progress and uploads information via a radio link back to the hospital.

So what will the let century hold for us if Peter

I Cochrane and his futurologists have their way? Well, by the year 2015, it's likely that we will be eclipsed by a supercomputer more powerful than the human brain. And if that’s got visions of Terminator dancing in your head, don’t worry - Cochrane's got it covered. ‘ I’d really hate one morning to find myself considered an infestation of this planet. Our inclination is to nurture lite and not to destroy it. Before we let loose. A bunch of artificial intelligence, we ought to be thinking through the necessity of building in a number of rules that hold your life as a human being sacrosanct.’


Памятка по работе с ювелирной бижутерией.


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