Студопедия — To give three cheers for
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To give three cheers for


Article “The Shape of Things to Come”

1. advance - progress or an instance of progress in science, technology, human knowledge etc.

E.g.: scientific advances, high-profile advances

advance in/of sth

E.g.: major advances in computer technology, ethical questions raised by the advance of genetic engineering

2. to advance at breakneck speed - to progress and become better or more developed quickly

3. to advocate /ˈædvəkeɪt/ - to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things

syn.: to support, to endorse, to promote

advocate /ˈædvəkət/- someone who strongly and publicly supports someone or something

syn.: proponent, supporter, follower


syn.: quickly, rapidly

5. assertion - a definite statement that something is true

syn.: statement, claim

to assert - to state firmly that something is true

6. to boost - to help something to increase, improve, or become more successful

syn.: to increase

E.g.: The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.

7. at the click/touch of a button - if a machine works at the touch of a button, it works extremely quickly and easily

8. to ditch - (informal) to get rid of someone or something because you no longer like or need them

syn.: to get rid of, to throw away, to dump, to toss

E.g.: The series was ditched after the star of the show quit.

9. driving force - someone or something that has the power to make things happen

E.g.: She was the driving force behind the project.

10. to elude - if a fact, idea, or word eludes you, you cannot remember or understand it

E.g.: The details of the case elude me.

11. established technologies - technologies that already exist

12. to fit into a person’s palm

13. to be at forefront of /ˈfɔː(r)ˌfrʌnt/ - to have a leading or important position

14. gadgetry (uncount.)- set of new technical devices

15. to grant patents /ɡrɑːnt/- to give or allow someone something, usually in an official way

patent applications - an application for sole rights to an invention

16. to grow exponentially - to increase very fast

17. to have implications for - a possible effect or result

syn.: consequence

E.g.: We believe that GM crops will have serious implications for the environment.

18. high-profile - often seen in public, mentioned in newspapers, or appearing on television

syn.: famous, well-know

E.g.: A high-profile campaign against domestic violence was one of the first initiatives taken up by the Scottish Executive.

19. hybridization of ideas /ˌhaɪbrɪdaɪˈzeɪʃn/

20. pioneering breakthrough /ˌpaɪəˈnɪərɪŋ/- a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work

21. rate of innovation - the speed at which new things, ideas or ways of doing something are invented

22. to run out of ideas - to have no ideas left

23. range of products - assortment

To squeeze more speed and capability out of sth

25. shift in sth - a change in something, for example in someone's ideas or opinions

E.g.: Companies were reacting too slowly to shifts in consumer demand.

26. to take giant leaps - to make a significant and notable progress in any field - business, art, politics or an innovative technological advances

27. to be on the wane - getting smaller, weaker, or less important

syn.: to be on the decline

E.g.: Violent crime appears to be on the wane in the capital.

28. what the future holds - things that we will face in future

syn.: to have sth in store for smb

29. unthinkable - hard to imagine

syn.: incredible, unbelievable, unimaginable


Unit 12.3

1. abuse - the use of something in a bad, dishonest, or harmful way

E.g.: alcohol/drug/substance abuse

This is clearly an abuse of power.

2. to be fearful of sth/that sth

syn.: to be afraid of

E.g.: We're fearful that fighting will start up again.

3. consumption - the process of eating, drinking, or smoking something

4. to develop defence against - to become insusceptible to

5. to do one’s best - to try as hard as you can in order to achieve something

E.g.: I don't know if I can finish the whole job in one day, but I'll do my best.

6. to drive sth underground - to start doing something illegally /уходить в подполье

7. to hold smb back - to make someone progress less intensively

E.g.: Long-term water shortages can hold economic development back.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 297. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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