Студопедия — Computer Programs
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Computer Programs

A computer program is a series of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute; programs are also called to distinguish them from hardware, the physical equipment used in data processing. These programming instructions cause the computer to perform arithmetic and logical operations or comparisons or to input or output data in a desired sequence. In conventional computing the operations are executed sequentially; in parallel processing the operations are allocated among multiple processors, which execute them concurrently and share the results. Programs are often written as a series of subroutines, which can be used in more than one program.

Systems programs are those that control the operation of the computer. Chief among these is the operating system - also called the control program, or supervisor - which schedules the execution of other programs, allocates system resources, and controls input and output operations. Processing programs are those whose execution is controlled

by the operating system. Language translators decode source programs, written in a programming language, and produce object programs, which are in machine language and can be understood by the computer. These include assemblers, which translate symbolic languages; compilers, which translate an algorithmic- or procedural-language program into a machine-language program to be executed at a later time; and interpreters, which translate source-language statements into object-language statements for immediate execution. Other processing programs are utility programs, such as those that “dump” computer

memory to external storage for safekeeping and those that enable the programmer to “trace” program execution, and application programs, which perform business and scientific functions, such as payroll processing, word processing, and simulation of environmental conditions.


Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations.

A series of instructions, to perform arithmetic and logical operations, to input or output data, parallel processing, to share the results, subroutines, language translators, to produce object programs, assemblers and compilers, immediate execution, utility programs.


Exercise 4. Write English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

-обробка даних -необхідна послідовність   -звичайне обчислення -численні процесори -системна програма -операційна система -перекладати символьні мови   -інтерпретатор -вихідна мова -зовнішня пам’ять -виконувати комерційні і наукові функції -моделювання умов зовнішнього середовища -обробка платіжної відомості     - обработка данных - необходимая последовательность - обычное вычисление - многочисленные процессоры - системная программа - операционная система - переводить символьные языки - интерпретатор - исходный язык - внешняя память - выполнять коммерческие и научные функции - моделирование условий внешней среды - обработка платежной ведомости

Exercise 5. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. These programming instructions cause the computer to perform arithmetic and logical operations or comparisons.

2. In conventional computing the operations are executed sequentially.

3. A series of subroutines can be used in more than one program.

4. Operating system allocates system resources and controls input and output operations.


Exercise 6. Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech.

1. “I work for an export company,” Emma said. 2. “I may visit the White House next week,” said Polly. 3. “We’ve won every match this year,” Andrew said. 4. “Will you be at the party?” Richard asked me. 5. “May I ask you a few questions?” the woman asked Ted. 6. “How was your trip to Turkey?” I asked Kate.


Exercise 7. A. Paraphrase the sentences using the Objective Infinitive Complex.

Model: I expect that he will come here. – I expect him to come here.

1. I hate it when you say such things. 2. I heard that he entered the room. 3. She felt that her hands trembled. 4. I think that he is a very clever man. 5. We expect that they will arrive soon. 6. I suppose that you are strong enough to take part in the expedition.


B. Paraphrase the sentences using the Subjective Infinitive Complex.

Model: It is likely that they will take part in this work. - They are likely to take part in this work.

1. It seems that Tom works at night. 2. It appears that the weather will improve. 3. It was believed that they were on their way to Moscow. 4. It is reported that the delegation has left the conference.


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions.

1. What is a computer program?

2. What is called hardware?

3. What operations do programming instructions cause the computer to execute?

4. What do systems programs control?

5. What is the main purpose of the operating system?

6. What does machine language include?

7. What functions can utility and application programs perform?

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