Студопедия — Points) Supply the correct order of the following Memorandum. Write your answers in the boxes. Then rewrite it according to the rules of letter writing.
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Points) Supply the correct order of the following Memorandum. Write your answers in the boxes. Then rewrite it according to the rules of letter writing.



A. Date: 24 April

B. From: Personnel Manager

C. I also doubt his ability to manage large-scale projects, until he has acquired more experience.

D. I think he would be a great asset to the company.

E. In conclusion, I would recommend John Priestly for the position of District Manager.

F. On 23d April, I interviewed the two most promising applicants for the position of District Manager.

G. Subject: Job interview results

H. The first, John Priestly, has a very good CV and excellent references, both referees emphasizing that he is a good team player. He has had two years in the construction industry, starting at the bottom and working his way up to a management position.

I. The second, Terry Slocum, has a fairly interesting CV, but hasn’t had as much experience as Mr. Priestly. Despite presenting himself in an assertive and positive manner, a few questions revealed that he hadn’t done much research into the company background.

J. To: Managing Director





Раздел 3.

Reading and comprehension.

X 1 points) The organization is in trouble. Match the problems with the correct departments. Write your answers in the boxes.


a. Cash flow is much worse than I thought

b. One of the robots on the assembly line has stopped working

c. The unions have just asked for another10%

d. There’s something wrong with the network: all the screens have gone blank

e. There's a national newspaper on the phone. They want to talk about water pollution near the factory

f. There's a national newspaper on the phone. They want to talk about water pollution near the factory

g. We have ten lorries waiting outside the main warehouse and there's nothing to put in them


1. Distribution  
2. Finance  
3. Information Technology  
4. Personnel  
5. Production  
6. Public Relations  


X 1 points) Complete the text with the words from the list. Write your answers in the boxes.


Most (1) … also differentiate their products bу (2) … them. Some manufacturers, such as Yamaha, Microsoft, and Colgate, use their name (the "family name") for all their products. Others market various products under individual (3) … names, although many (4) … are unaware оf the name оf the manufacturing (5) …. For instance, Unilever and Proctor & Gamble, the major producers оf soap powders, famously have а (6) … strategy which allows them to compete in various market segments, and to fill (7) … in shops, thus leaving less (8) … for competitors.


a. brand b. branding c. company d. customers e. multi-brand f. producers g. room h. shelf space





Points) Translate the following text into Russian.


Labour Mobility


Theoretically, labour is the most mobile of the factors of production both occupationally and geographically. Economic history provides strong evidence of great movements of labour from one industry to another and from one region to another. During the 19-th century millions of people left Europe to settle in North America. The last quarter of the 18-th century saw the beginning of the great migration of the British people from the country to the town, a movement which is still taking place. More recent times have seen a large-scale movement of labour from the Mediterranean lands to the industrial nations in north-west Europe. Most of these movements took place over long periods of time, and in most cases there were several political, economic, and social pressures stimulating the movements. In fact, there is plenty of evidence that labour is not very mobile geographically. Regions no more than 100 miles apart often record very different unemployment rates. In the 1930s some areas of the UK experienced unemployment rates as high as 60% while others had such rates well below 10 %. If labour had been geographically mobile such differences would surely have been greatly reduced.

Occupationally, too, labour is relatively immobile. The evidence here lies in the large contrast in salaries and wages between different professions.

Вариант № 2.

(Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются

с букв О – Я).


Раздел 1.

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