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Translate into English.

1) Странно, что вас никто не видел. 2) Как неприятно, что они опоздали на поезд. 3) Не удивительно, что он так думает. 4) Понятно, что она этого не хочет. 5) Не может быть, чтобы эксперимент удался. 6) Как жаль, что вы сегодня заняты. 7) Неужели сеанс уже начался? 8) Вполне естественно, что она этого хотела. 9) Со­мнительно, чтобы он это сделал сам. 10) Было очень неприятно, что последний поезд уже ушел. 11) Невероятно, чтобы он проболел неделю, и никто об этом не знал. 12) Было вполне понятно, что это ей нравилось. 13) Было вполне понятно, что это ей не понравилось. 14) Сомнительно, чтобы вода в озере была соленой. 15) Не удивительно, что они решили разбить лагерь у озера.

Paraphrase the following statements. Use the Suppositional Mood.

Model:1) She refused to do it. How strange!

(It is) strange that she should have refused to do it.

2) She's fond of music. It' s only natural. She has а good ear for music.

It is only natural that she should be fond of music. She has good ear for music.

3) Не's afraid of dogs. Isn't it strange?

Isn’t it strange that he should be afraid of dogs?

1) Не has left already. Ноw strange! Не is usually here at this time. 2) So this is what she thought. It' s very strange. 3) She strongly objects to your plan. Isn't it annoying? 4) No­body saw the child on the beach. It’s rather curious. 5) So they have succeeded at last. It’s highly doubtful. 6) She’s ill in bed. Isn't it а pity? Just when we want her so badly! 7) They have crossed the Atlantic in а small yacht. Is it possible? 8) She speaks English very nicely, and it's only natural. She's worked hard enough for it. 9) The child's hair is quite fair. Isn't it odd when her eyes are so dark? 10) So she has changed her mind at the last minute. Isn't it curious? 11) She didn't believe you. It's not in the least surprising 12) She does not want to give up her job. It's quite understandable. 13) Не wants to do everything himself. So characteristic! 14) So the experiment has failed again. How un­pleasant! 15) The lake is free of ice the year round. Very doubtful that. 16) А child of ten drew this. It is simply incredible.

17. Comment on the following statements expressing astonishment, disbe­lief, disapproval (give several variants in each case).

Model:1) The tickets are sold out.

а) What a pity the tickets should be sold out!

b) Isn’ t it strange that the tickets should be sold out?

c) It was impossible that the tickets should be sold out.

d) Rather odd that the tickets should be sold out.

2) Не lost the key again.

а) It is curious that he should have lost the key again.

b) It was simply impossible that he should have lost the key again.

с) What а pity that he should have lost the key again!

d) Ноw annoying that he should have lost the key again.

1) She refused the invitation. 2) She' s very fond of the child. 3) It is very cold for Jаnе. 4) It rained heavily throughout the week-end. 5) They did not come to any agreement. 6) She did not ask anyone to help her with the luggage. 7) Не made some spelling mistakes. 8) They knew nothing about them.


to think to believe to consider to find     it necessary important advisable desirable better     that   smb. should do smth.   smb. do smth.

Paraphrase the following sentences (give several variants in each case)

Model:1) It’s important that he should be present.

I consider it important

I think it necessary that he should be present.

I find it desirable

2) It is not important

I don’t think it important

that you should be present.

I don’t believe it important

1. It is necessary that somebody should interfere.

2. It is highly desirable that you should know all the particulars.

3. It is not important that he should be able to drive.

4. It is not necessary that you should attend the hearing in person.

5. It is desirable that each girl should be able to type and make notes.

6. It is important that you should know each child by his name.

7. It is not necessary that we should give any decisive answer today.

8. It is comparatively unimportant that he should arrive a day before the contest.

9. It is highly desirable that the patients should spend all their walking hours in the park and on the beach.

10. 10) It is important that nothing should be done until we get a further report of the case.

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