Студопедия — Match each word from column A (1-20) with its partner from column B (a-u) to make a computing term definition from Basic English for Computing Unit 12
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Match each word from column A (1-20) with its partner from column B (a-u) to make a computing term definition from Basic English for Computing Unit 12

1voicemail a)a storage area for spoken messages
2 video conference b) a form of communication over a network that uses video cameras so that the people taking part can see and hear each other
3 fibre-optic cable c) an installation for receiving and transmitting microwave signals
4 send d) an object which has been sent into space in order to collect information or to be part of a communications system. It moves continually round the earth or around another planet
5 transmit e) a switching device, that being under voltage loops and disconnects one or more electric circuits. It was widely used in early electromechanical computers
6 coax(ial) cable f) the process of sending a high frequency signal known as microwave
7 communications link g) a signal that can only have one of two values representing on or off
8 earth satellite station h) the process of sending a signal to, or receiving a signal from, a satellite orbiting the Earth  
9 Far End j) a type of signal that can take any value between a maximum and minimum
10 microwave station k) a display screen feature that has a video picture displayed inside another video picture
11 microwave transmission l) the equipment at the closest end of a video conferencing system
12 P-I-P (picture-in-picture) m) the equipment at the remote end of a video conferencing system
13 Near End n) an installation on Earth used for sending and receiving signals to or from a satellite  
14 earth-satellite transmission o) a connection between two points for transmitting and receiving signals
15 digital signal p) a type of shielded cable for carrying signals. It is often used with radio frequency and video signals
16 analogue signal q) cause something to pass on from one person or place to another by means of communication
17 relay r) take something to a particular destination or arrange something for the delivery, especially by post
18 earth satellite s) a cable made from strands of glass that is used for carrying information signals on a beam of light
19 video conferencing t) a meeting between people that are a long distance apart using cameras and display screens connected to a network to allow the people to see and hear each other
20 voice mailbox u) a system of communication that uses computers to store spoken messages


Unit 13


1 Words to know


1 router, n маршрутизатор (в сети)  
2 server, n cервер  
3 hub, n (сетевой) концентратор (ЛВС), хаб  
4 email, n электронная почта, отправлять сообщение по электронной почте; пользоваться электронной почтой  
5 newsgroup, n (сетевая теле)конференция (сетевая служба, рассылающая информацию по определенной теме)  
6 Internet, n Интернет, сеть, Всемирная паутина  
7(ISP) Internet service provider, n поставщик интернет-услуг  
8 attachment, n присоединение (вложение, вкладыш, приложение к письму) подсоединение; прикрепление  
9 (UFO) unidentified flying object, n неопознанный летающий объект, НЛО  
10 email address, n адрес электронной почты  
11 email attachment, n вложение, вкладыш, приложение к электронному письму  
12 multiuser, adj многопользовательский, многоабонентский; со многими пользователями  
13 subscriber, n пользователь, абонент; подписчик  
14 file transfer, n передача [пересылка] файлов  
15 plain text, n читаемый текст; нешифрованный текст; открытый текст; текст без форматирующей информации
16 the header (of the message), n заголовок, рубрика, «шапка»  
17 the body(of the message), n поле (текстовая часть сообщения)  
18 computer simulation, n 1) моделирование на вычислительных машинах 2) моделирование вычислительной машины  
19MUD (multiuser dialogue), n многопользовательский диалог  
20 MOSS (member of the same sex), n «лицо того же пола»(стандартная аббревиатура интерактивного письменного диалога в интернете)
21 Gopher, n интерактивная поисковая служба Gopher (распределённая запросно-поисковая система, обеспечивающая доступ к иерархическим информационным хранилищам в интернете через гоферовский сервер посредством простого протокола)
22 chevron, n шеврон (знак шеврона <),


2 Read the text


The Internet 1:

email and newsgroups


When different networks are connected together, the combined network is called an internetwork or internet. The connection of networks throughout the world forms what is known as the Internet. Networks all over the world are connected to the Internet using electronic devices known as routers. The routers decide which route on the Internet a particular signal should take to get to its destination. Users often pay a monthly fee to a type of company known as an Internet service provider (ISP), to provide them with an Internet connection. A variety of services such as email and file transfer are made available to users on the Internet. These services are controlled using a system of server computers at various locations throughout the world.

Electronic mail, which has come to be known as email, is one of the most popular services on the Internet. Email allows users to send electronic messages to storage areas known as mailboxes on server computers where they can be read by other users. Each user has their own email address which determines where their email messages are stored. Every email address has two main parts separated by an at symbol, i.e. username@ domain name. The domain name may be subdivided using dots. A typical email address might have the following components:


Username @ server. type of. country

or identifier name organization

Standard codes are used for the types of organization, although they may vary slightly from country to country. Not all email addresses use all the possible parts of the domain name. An email message has two main parts known as the header and the body of the message. The body contains the message itself, whilst the header reveals the identity of the recipient and of the sender, the date it was sent, and the subject title of the message. The most basic type of email consists of plain text to which other types of computer files, such as formatted text, spreadsheets, sound files, or video files can be attached. These email attachments can then be opened and read using an appropriate program on the recipient’s computer.

Groups of users that share a special interest can subscribe to free newsgroups on the Internet. Subscribers can send plain text messages to a common area on a server computer where all the newsgroup members can read them. In this way, conversations about the special interest can take place between all the members of the group. The name of the newsgroup is made up of different parts separated by dots and indicates the specialist area the subscribers are interested in. For example, newsgroup names that begin with alt indicate that they deal with alternative types of subjects, e.g. alt.tasteless-jokes. Newsgroup names beginning with rec deal with recreational subjects, e.g. rec.chess. When you are replaying to a message, it is common for the email program to include the original message with each line marked with a chevron (>), and if you are replaying to a reply, each line of the original text is marked with double chevrons (>>). In this way the correspondents can keep track of the conversation.

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