Студопедия — Ex. 7. Define the functions of the Gerund and choose the right translation.
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Ex. 7. Define the functions of the Gerund and choose the right translation.

a) подлежащее

b) часть сказуемого

c) дополнение

d) определение

e) обстоятельство

1. Responsibility for governing is shared between the states and the federal government.

a) управление; b) управляющий; c) управлять;

2. One of the chief functions of a party is organizing elections.

a) организующий; b) путем организации; c) организация / организовывать;

3. The Senator apologized for his being late.

a) опаздывать; b) опоздание; c) опоздавший;

4. The Vice-President recognizes the Senator by looking at him and saying: "The Senator from …" and names the state from which the Senator comes.

a) тем, что смотрит и говорит; b) смотря и сказав; c) смотрящий и говорящий;

5. When in the minority, keeping a check on the party in office is one of the main duties of a party.

a) контроль / контролировать; b) путем контроля; c) контролируя.


Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Mind! Some words are odd ones.


1. Congress 2. governments 3. established 4. judiciary 5. divided 6. laws 7. lower 8. branches 9. applied 10. upper 11. legislative 12. powers 13. majority 14. provided 15. election


1. The USA Constitution …(1) the country’s political system and is the basis for its …(2).

2. The US Constitution principles can be …(3) and interpreted differently at different times.

3. The US Constitution gives certain …(4) to the federal and state …(5) and others to both.

4. The US government is …(6) into three …(7).

5. The …(8) branch is represented by …(9) composed of two parts.

6. The members of the …(10) House face …(11) every two years.

7. The federal …(12) is comprised of a Supreme Court and a series of lower courts.




Topic:Judicial System and Kinds of Law

Text A:An Introduction to Law

Text B:Court Systems of the English-Speaking Countries

Text C: The Court System of England and Wales

Phonetics:Sounds [ s ] [z] [k] [dʒ] [e] [aiә] [au]

Grammar:Passive Voice

Types of Clauses

Multifunctional Words: "that", "it";

Wordbuilding:Suffixes and prefixes: -ance/-ence; -ant/-ent; im-/en-



Ex. 1. Practise saying.


[s] s ome, s ocial, de c ide, s y s tem, el s e, a s pect, c ivil, per s on;
[z] a s, ha s, pri s on, re s ult, ba s ed, characteri z ed, organi z ed;
[k] a c t, c ase, c rime, publi c, c oroner, c onfli c t, c ourt, bla c k;
[dʒ] j ust, j udge, j ob, j uvenile, lar g e, a g e, a g ent, pa g e, char g ed;
[e] e very, s e ldom, dir e ctly, dev e lop, r e gulate, corr e ct, e quity;
[aiә] tr ia l, soc ie ty, f ire, sat ire, requ ire, acqu ire, w ir e, t yr e;
[au] h ow, n ow, br ow n, t ow n, p ow er, f ou l, n ou n, m ou th, l ou dly.


Ex. 2. Listen to and repeat after the speaker.

1. set, classify, also, strongly, supreme, outside, list, simple, single

2. these, those, organize, imprison, sometimes, precise, laws, appeals;

3. conduct, particular, thick, criminal, prosecute, accused, claim, make;

4. peace, procedure, decision, except, civilian, enforce, face, place;

5. justice, January, jury, judiciary, bridge, major, stage, language;

6. America, depend, attempt, independence, relatively, friend, question;

7. lyre, higher, tired, reliable, expire, mire, shire, fire, entire.


Ex. 3. Group the words according to the following sounds.


[s] [aiә] [au] [z] [k]


Teachers, client, reason, hears, custom, round, pioneer, count, plastic, down, police, appeals, because, close, thick, house, pencil, cry, found, cross, convict, allow, icy, clock, gown, particular, principle, empowered, public, supervise, judicated, disputes, science, applied, confirm, common, deals, laws, county.


Ex. 4. Mind the stress and pronunciation of the following.

'common – com'munity 'active – ac'tivity 'legal – le'gality 'moral – mo'rality 'possible – possi'bility 'global – 'globalize – globali'zaton exp'lain – expla'nation e'liminate – elimi'nation pre'pare – prepa'ration 'quality – 'qualify – qualifi'cation ad'ministrate – ad'ministrative – administ'ration repre'sent – repre'sentative – represen'tation


Ex. 5.* Find the odd word in each set. Think phonetically.


1. accuse, prescribe, custom, substantive, state, legislative;

2. case, court, decision, discuss, classify, district;

3. investigate, legal, legislature, litigation, government, regulate;

4. Supreme, procedure, legal, central, need, appeal;

5. brown, how, now, window, down, town.



Ex. 6. Derive the words according to the following models and

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