Студопедия — Leaders and Managers
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Leaders and Managers

Experts in management state that good managers are not always good leaders. Management and leadership skills are different things, though they are closely connected.

Elwood N. Chapman, a prominent authority on management, describes this difference in his famous book Put More Leadership into Your Style. In his opinion, management implies keeping people productive, maintaining optimal working conditions, and making use of all resources. A manager works within the framework of his organization. Leadership is connected with the development of the organization, expanding its activity. According to E.N. Chapman, leadership takes people into a new territory. A leader sets new goals and leads his company to their realization.

Mr. Chapman discovered that effective leadership is based on management skills. It is possible to be an excellent manager without becoming a good leader. But it is impossible to be an excellent leader without becoming a good manager. However, managers can improve their leadership abilities.

Mr. Chapman found a formula for leadership. It consists of five foundations: leader as communicator, leader as mutual rewarder, leader as power figure, leader as decision-maker, and leader as positive force.

Managers' communicative skills make them leaders. When leaders speak, their supporters want to listen to them and are ready to follow them. Leaders are very good listeners too. They understand what their supporters want. It helps them to know where and how to lead.

Followers give rewards to leaders through their support, loyalty and performance. But it is difficult for the leader to reward his followers. Good leadership itself may be a primary reward to supporters.

Efficient leaders have power and use it with care. Power is used to achieve company goals. When leaders use power properly, supporters respect and follow them.

It is important for good leaders to take the right decision at the right time. They involve others in the decision-making process. They are ready to change their course, admit mistakes and take unpopular but correct decisions.

Leaders must be a positive force for their supporters. It is the most important thing in the leadership formula. They generate and transfer subordinates strength, energy, vitality, pride of their achievements. Effective leaders inspire employees to work.

William B. Martin, a famous expert in management, believes that managers can improve their leadership abilities and skills. In his works, based on E.N. Chapman's formula for leadership, he describes strong leaders' practices that can help inefficient managers and non-leaders to test their skills and understand their strengths and weaknesses.

As a communicator, an acknowledged leader informs his group members about business activity and his actions. He attracts people by the strength of his character, his charisma, his speaking and listening abilities. A leader communicates his supporters a sense of responsibility and belonging in the organization.

As a mutual rewarder, a strong leader encourages his followers to speak out and exchange their ideas. He demonstrates his understanding and compassion for others. He is sensitive to the needs of people. A good leader provides rewards that are important to his followers. That is why his subordinates support him, and other people join his group.

As a power figure, an acknowledged leader makes people feel that they belong to one team. He encourages subordinates to win. His demands are clear, consistent and adequate to the situation. A leader gets tough where necessary. He is respected by subordinates because authority is used with firmness and reason.

As a decision maker, a leader demonstrates the following practices. He always consults with others before taking decisions. A strong leader has experience and uses logic in making decisions. He communicates decisions with pride and firmness. But a leader is ready to admit his mistakes and take a hard decision.

In practice, effective leaders demonstrate their positive force in stimulating people's activity. They create an active tempo and encourage competition at work. Leaders work hard themselves and transfer a positive attitude to workers during difficult times. Subordinates are happy to work for the company and are proud of their success.


Exercise 14. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Лидерство; управление; мастерство руководителя; тесно связаны; видный специалист в области управления; по его мнению; мастерство управления; человек, умеющий общаться; человек, награждающий других и получающий награду от них; человек, обладающий властью; человек, принимающий решения; позитивная сила; умелые руководители; принимать непопулярные, но правильные решения; чувство ответствености; побуждать сторонников; откровенные высказывания и обмен идеями; сообщает решения; признать ошибки; гордятся своими успехами.


Exercise 15. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. What is the difference between management and leadership?

2. What formula to leadership did Elwood N. Chapman find?

3. How does a leader act as a communicator?

4. What does a leader do as a mutual rewarder?

5. How does a leader act as a power figure?

6. How does a leader take decisions?

7. What does a leader do to be a positive force?

8. How can inefficient managers improve their work?


Exercise 16. Test yourself or any leader you know on William B.Martin's Leadership Effectiveness Scale. Say what can be done to improve your / his / her leadership skills.


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