Студопедия — Exercise 17.
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Exercise 17.

1. Write a Christmas / New Year / Easter card to your business friend.

2. Your partner's product has been a commercial success. Write a letter of congratulation to him.

3. Mr. Green's speech at the meeting produced a great impression on you. You liked his idea of further development of the coal region and creating new jobs. Write a letter of appreciation to him.

Exercise 18. Role-play.

1. Roles: Businessmen.

A. A businessman invites his partner to a reception / party / presentation / conference/meeting. His partner accepts the invitation, and asks questions about the place and time. He / she promises to come.

B. A businessman invites his partner to the theatre / an exhibition / a concert / a restaurant. His partner declines the invitation and gives his / her reasons.

C. A businessman invites his friend to his place for a drink. His friend declines the invitation, because he's got a prior engagement. The businessman suggests another date. His business friend accepts the invitation.

2. Roles: a birthday person, a guest.

A man/woman comes to a birthday party. He/she congratulates his/her friend and gives him a present. The birthday person thanks the guest.

3. Roles: participants in the conference.

Mr. White's report is a great success at the conference. His ideas are creative, his approach is new. Mr. Smith introduces himself to Mr. White. He congratulates him on his success and invites him to dinner at a restaurant. Mr. White accepts the invitation.

4. Roles: businessmen.

A businessman has just been promoted. His friend rings him up to congratulate him. The businessman invites him to a cocktail party at his place. His friend promises to come.



9.1. Business Promotes Peace and Progress

Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

to create new jobs [krJ'eIt] создавать новые рабочие места

entertainment ["entq'teInmqnt] n развлечение

the sick [sIk] n больные

the disabled [dIs'eIbld] n нетрудоспособные, инвалиды

noble ['nqVbl] a благородный

Swedish ['swJdIS] a шведский

dynamite ['daInqmaIt] n динамит

explosive [Iks'plqVsIv] n взрывчатое вещество

laureate ['lLrIIt] n лауреат

merchant ['mE:Cqnt] n купец

magnificent [mxg'nIfIsqnt] a великолепный, величественный

treasure-house ['treZqhaus] n сокровищница

sugar manufacturer ['Sugq "mxnju'fxkCqrq] производитель сахара

philanthropist [fI'lxnTrqpIst] n филантроп

philanthropy [fI'lxnTrqpI] n филантропия, благотворительность

financier [faI'nxnsIq] n финансист

magnate ['mxgn(e)It] n магнат

to donate [dqV'neIt] v дарить, жертвовать

donation [dqV'neISqn] n дар, пожертвование

foundation ["faun'deISqn] n основание; учреждение; фонд

skyscraper ['skaIskreIpq] n небоскреб

the United Nations [jH'naItId 'neISqnz] Организация Объединенных Наций

humanity [hjH'mxnItI] n человечество


Exercise 2. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

Peace, peaceful; progress, progressive; contribute, contribution, contributor; social, socially, society; charity, charitable; tradition, traditional, traditionally; donate, donation; able, disable; active, activity; chemist, chemistry, chemical; entertain, entertainment; wealth, wealthy; collect, collector, collection; noble, nobility; locate, located, location; library, librarian; explode, explosive, explosion; magnificent, magnificence; industry, industrial, industrialist.


Exercise 3. Guess what these international words mean.

Social progress; social services; nations; modern civilization; industrial production; to start a business; to visit a museum; a Swedish engineer and chemist; to produce dynamite; the Nobel prizes; the Swedish Academy; Nobel laureates; Russian literature; the dynasty of financial magnates; financiers; a philanthropist; philanthropy; to start the University of Chicago; a medical centre; concert halls; to contain a collection of sculptures; to collect Russian icons; a national gallery; global political, economic, cultural and ecological problems.


Exercise 4. Read the compound words made up by combining two stems and say what they mean.

A skyscraper, headquarters, a businessman, a chairperson, a newcomer, a teenager, a babysitter, a fourth-year student, a sixth-former, a blackboard, a shopwindow, a treasure-house.


Exercise 5. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

To promote peace and progress; to buy and sell goods; to start a factory; to create new jobs; to give an opportunity; to be socially responsible; to participate in charitable activities; to help the poor, the sick and the disabled; to donate money to organizations; to invent a device; to receive a prize; to retire from work; to be located; to be situated; magnificent pictures; to be a merchant; a sugar manufacturer; a collection of paintings; a famous artist; a powerful leader; to solve important problems; the headquarters of the United Nations.


Exercise 6. Read the sentences with substantivized adjectives and express the same in Russian.

1. Wealthy people must help the poor, the sick and the disabled. 2. Job centres help the unemployed to find work. 3. National insurance benefits are available to the unemployed, the sick and the retired. 4. The English are polite and reserved. 5. The word "news" is an uncountable noun and used in the singular. 6. Countable nouns are used both in the singular and in the plural.


Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Speak about businessmen's donations. Use the model and list of words below.

Model A: What organizations do businessmen make donations to?

B: Businessmen make donations to hospitals.

Charities, hospitals, schools, colleges, universities, museums, old people's homes, hospices.

Exercise 8. How, in your view, should rich people spend their money? Read the text about socially responsible businessmen. How do you feel about their approach to using wealth?


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