Студопедия — Post-text exercises. 1. Arrange antonyms in pairs:
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Post-text exercises. 1. Arrange antonyms in pairs:

1. Arrange antonyms in pairs:

a) written, connect, reasonable, transmit, desirable, broad, include, sense, accurate

b) exclude, narrow, nonsense, disconnect, inaccurate, unreasonable, oral, undesirable, receive

2. Give the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian words аnd word combinations:

Використовувати, особливий, плутати, звичайний, джерело, змінювати, інформація, людство, перетворювати дане повідомлення у сигнал, викривлення звуку, канал зв’язку.

3. Put the words in order:

1. The, word, is, "communication", used, often in, a, very, very, broad, sense.2. The, is, receiver, a, of, the, inverse, sort, transmitter. 3. The, a, set, source, information, selects, a, desired, out, of, of, possible, message, messages. 4. information, is, a, one, of, of, one's, choice, when, selects, a, message, measure, freedom.

4. Fill in the blanks with the following words and word combinations:

definition, precision, accuracy, continuous, behavior, communication channel, signal, codes, meaning

1. It involves not only written or oral speech, music, etc., but in fact all human.... 2. Sometimes it is desirable to use a still broader... of communication. 3. The technical problem is concerned with the... of transmitting communication symbols. 4. The semantic problem is connected with the... of transmitted symbols conveying the desired meaning. 5. Telephone or radio transmission includes the transmission of one... function of time. 6. The transmitter changes the selected message into the.... 7. The signal is sent over the from the transmitter to the receiver. 8. In telegraphy, the transmitter... written words into sequences of interrupted current of varying lengths. 9. Information must not be confused with....

5. Complete the following sentences, using active vocabulary:

1. The word “communication” involves not only written and oral speech, but also …..2. The information source selects a desired message out of …..3. The technical problems are concerned with the accuracy of transference from the sender to …..4. The concept of information applies not to the individual ……5. The receiver is a sort of the inverse transmitter, changing the transmitter signal …….. 6. Information is a measure of one's freedom of choice ……

6. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the word "communication" include? 2. Why is it desirable to use a still broader definition of communication? 3. What problems should we take into account speaking about the broad subject of communication? 4. How can you give a broad definition of communication? 5. What are the technical problems concerned with? 6. How can you define mathematically the telephone or radio transmission (the transmission of written speech)? 7. How may the communication system be represented? 8. What is the channel in the case of telephony? 9. What function does the transmitter perform in telegraphy? 10. Why is the receiver a sort of inverse transmitter? 11. What may occur in1 the process of signal being transmitted? 12. How can all of the unwanted additions to the signal be characterized? 13. Why mustn't information be confused with meaning? 14. What does the word "information" in communication theory relate to? 15. What does the concept of information apply to? 16. In what case is it convenient to regard an amount of freedom of choice as a unit amount? 17. What does the unit information indicate? 18. Why is it misleading to say that one or the other message conveys the unit information?

7. Memorize the following terms:

Definition. The fidelity with which the detail of an image i is reproduced.

Noise. Unwanted disturbances superimposed upon a use- ful signal that tend to obscure its information content.

8. State the functions of the Infinitive and translate the sentences:

1. Specialists face many difficulties to solve the technical problems in the field of communication. 2. To communicate information of some sort must be transferred. 3. During the industrial revolution new communication techniques began to evolve. 4. To get rid of noise, specialists investigate general characteristics of noise. 5. It was decided to use "a bit" as a unit of information. 6. They are installing digital computer systems to view the results of each day's operations. 7. To obtain the necessary data was difficult. 8. The function of the transmitter is to encode the message. 9. One simple on-or-off relay is used to handle a unit information situation. 10. To measure information means to define the logarithm of the number of available choices. 11. There are many means of communication to meet the requirements of the national economy. 12. In order to meet the requirements the circuit must be assembled on the basis of current technology.

9. Translate the sentences paying attention to the forms of the Infinitive:

1. The word "communication" to be used in a very broad sense here includes all of the procedures by which one mind may affect another. 2. All kinds of distortions of sound to be conveyed by telephone communication are called noise. 3. In the mathematical theory of communication the word "information" to be used in a special sense must not be con-fused with its ordinary usage. 4. The conference to be held in Moscow will discuss questions dealing with communication problems. 5. There are Markoff processes to be widely involved in the theory of communication. 6. The effectiveness problem must have been concerned with the demands of the design. 7. Only one information must have been given at the moment. 8. Zero and one may have been taken symbolically to represent any two choices.

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