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1. Warm up.



1.1Read and learn the following new words:

  1.the environmental impact 2.to decouple 3.Life cycle assessments 4.Material flow analysis 5.Cost benefit analysis cost-efficiency analysis 6.completion 7.hinder 8.foresters, n 9.wildlife, n 10.subset, n, здесь: 11. seek, v (look for) 12. wild habitats 13. the extinction of endangered species 14.wildlife preservation     воздействие на окружающую среду уменьшить Теория жизненного цикла Материаловедение Анализ экономической эффективности капитальных вложений завершение мешать лесничие, лесники животный мир, природа предмет изучения искать живая природа, животный мир вымирание редких видов (растений и животных) охрана, сохранение животного мира

1.2. Read the text and translate it into Russian:

1.My future profession is an ecologist. This profession is vеrу actually today. Nowadays people understand how important is to solve the environmental problems that endanger people's lives. The range of environmental problems is wide: pollution of atmosphere, climate changes, and depletion of ozone layer, freshwater resources, oceans and coastal areas, deforestation and desertification, the extinction of some animals’ species, biological diversity, biotechnology, health and chemical safety. Taking into account of these problems the activity of an ecologist includes the ecological and economical issues:

· the calculation of using energy, water, earth;

· the description of factory and its products;

· the characterization of industrial and household waste;

· the controlling emission of industrial waste;

· the definition of measures to protect the environment;

· the choice of a convenient place for industrial and residential buildings according to the ecological and economical issues;

· the measuring of pollution levels in water, soil and air.

2.An ecologist must need good knowledge of Ecology, Chemistry, Economics, mathematics, Industrial Ecology etc.

People who call themselves “ecologists” are generally involved in research, usually in the academic arena. Workers who apply ecological principles to environmental needs are foresters, soil scientists, wildlife biologists, and others.

3.As a study of living things, ecology is a subset of biology (see “Biologist”). It differs in that it 19s the study of systems of living things – an ecosystem. This is one of the more critical technical needs in the environmental field these days, as nature groups, industrialists, and wildlife lovers seek to preserve wild habitats and slow the extinction of endangered species.

In academic research, the trend is usually toward specializing in the ecology of one system (or even one organism in a system), whereas in the working world of wildlife preservation the need is usually for ecologists who can deal with varieties of systems.

4.The future ecologist should know a systems analytic perspective on our societies’ supply, transformation and use of energy and materials. The students should have knowledge, skills and tools which are necessary for work on the complex environmental issues. Therefore, the students should know how to analyze the environmental impact on the use of natural resources. This includes technological aspects of how to decouple the environmental impact on economic growth. It also include economic and management aspects of industrial systems, including the energy system.

5.On the completion of the programme the student should be a competent industrial ecologist; ready to have a position in industry or in a governmental office. More specifically, on completion of the programme the student should:

¨ understand environmental and resource issues,

¨ be able to perform Life cycle assessments (LCA), Material flow analysis (MFA), Energy analysis, Cost benefit analysis cost-efficiency analysis;

¨ have skills in analysis and environmental management;

¨ have insights into social and industrial energy and material use, processes that drive and hinder technical development, and management techniques and policy instruments and etc...

If you want to contribute to the protection of the environment of a town or city, choose this profession and enter the Tyumen State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 5301. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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