Студопедия — Test № 2.
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Test № 2.

1. What body is the legislative branch of the government represented by?

a) The Parliament;

b) b) the Congress;

c) c) the Court.


2.Which two parts does the Congress consist of?

a) The Senate and the house of Representatives;

b) The Senate and the Supreme Court;

c) The Executive Department and Independent Agencies.


3.The main function of the Congress is:

a) To administer the laws

b) To make laws

c) To interpret the laws

Welcome to the USA!

4.… makes rules for trade with foreign countries and between states.

a) The Congress

b) The Government

c) The Supreme Court


5.Who organizes the armed forces in the USA?

a) The President

b) The Congress

c) Department of Defense


6.What cannot the Congress do?

a) Make laws about trade

b) Establish U.S. post office

c) Give title of nobility


7.Senators are elected for a term of … years:

a) 4

b) 5

c) 6.


8.How many permanent committees are there in the Senate?

a) 16;

b) b) 17;

c) c) 18.


9.How many executive departments are there in the Cabinet?





10. What are the functions of the executive branch?

a) to execute the laws

b) to make laws

c) to print money


11. The President of the USA is elected every four years to a four-year term of office with no more than … full terms allowed:


Welcome to the USA!



c) 3


12. The President of the USA must be a native-born citizen at least 35 years old and live in the USA for not less than … years:





13. All the Secretaries of the executive departments make up:

a) the Cabinet;

b) the Congress;

c) the Government.


14. The Heads of the executive departments are appointed by:

a) the Congress;

b) the Government;

c)the President


15. Why are the agencies in the executive branch called independent?

a) they have their own laws and rules;

b) they are not part of any executive department;

c) they are not established by law.


16. The Department of … is responsible for foreign policy.

a) State;

b) Defense;

c) Commerce


17. President Barack Obama is known to belong to the … Party.

a) Republican;

b) Democratic;

c) Big business.


18. What is the highest judicial organization of the USA?

a) Court of Appeal;

b) Supreme Court;

c) Court of Claims.


19. The Supreme Court meets in the:

a) Supreme Court Building

Welcome to the USA!


b) the Capital

c) the White House


20. The Supreme Court is made up of the Chief Justice and … associate justices.





21. How long do the numbers of the Supreme Court Serve?

a) 4 years;

b) 6 years;

c) all the life.


22. What is the main duty of the Supreme Court justices?

a)to decide the constitutionality of the laws;

b) to make laws

c) to impeach officials


23. The members of the Supreme Court are:

a) elected by the citizens

b) appointed by the President

c) appointed by the Chief Justice


24. Immediately below the Supreme Court stand:

a) the district courts

b) the major courts

c) the courts of appeals


25. The decisions of the appeals courts are reviewed by:

a) the Supreme Court

b) the Federal Court

c) the Court of Claims


26. When the Supreme Court hears a case it is decided by:

a) the Chief Justice

b) the majority vote of the justicies

c) the President


27. By … the one-party Revolutionary Government of the USA quickly split into a two-party system.

Welcome to the USA!

a) 1787;

b) 1789;

c) 1800


28. What is the emblem of the Democratic Party of the USA?

a) donkey;

b) elephant;

c) eagle


29. Ten amendment to the Constitution, adopted by the Congress, are known as…
a) Freedom of Speech

b) Protection of Property

c) Bill of Rights


30. The American flag represents freedom and … in the USA.

a) democracy

b) independence

c) justice




12) История США. Иванян Э.А.. – М., Дрофа, 2004. - 576 с.

13) История США. Учебное пособие. Согрин В.В. – Спб., 2003. – 192с.

14) Политическая история США XVII-XX вв. Согрин В.В. Весь мир, 2001. - 400 с.

15) Политическая система США: истоки и современные тенденции развития. Учебно-методическое пособие. Байбакова Л.В. - М.: Исторический факультет МГУ,2007.

16) Соединенные Штаты Америки: Пособие по страноведению. Голицынский Ю.Б. - Спб.: КАРО, 2008. – 448с.

17) Страноведение: Соединенные Штаты Америки: Учебное пособие/В.А. Радовель. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2006.- 320с.

18) Страноведение: США. Бурова И. И., Силинский С. В. - СПб., 2002. – 180 с.

19) Трудным путем демократии: процесс государственного управления в США. Джанда К., Берри Д.М., Голдман Д., Хула К.В. - М., 2006. - 656 c.

20) http://www.ushistory.ru/all-tags/учебник.html




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