Студопедия — Answer the questions. Why is television a convenient source of information?
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Answer the questions. Why is television a convenient source of information?

Why is television a convenient source of information?

How can you prove that television educates us?

Television is a convenient source of entertainment, isn’t it? Why?

How can we widen our knowledge of the world around us?

In what way does television compete with cinemas and theaters?

What are the functions of television?

What are possible drawbacks of TV?

What is the average period of time people spend watching TV? What about you?

Do you have cable or satellite television?

What are your favourite programmes?


9 семестр

Тема №1

The Profession of PR Officer

There are a lot of professions in the world. Some of them emerged centuries ago while the others have a very short term of their existence. A bright example of the latter is the profession of a public relation officer. The term “public relations” is quite a new one for Russian society and needs explanations. In general the term embraces a very specific communication process. Every company, organization or government body deals with groups of people: employees, customers, stockholders, competitors, suppliers, consumers. Each of these groups may be considered as one of the organization’s relationships with these people.

Public opinion has a powerful effect. That’s why companies and organizations consider it in their policy including introduction of new products, changing in distribution methods and labor negotiations. In short, the purpose of a public relation officer is to influence public opinion toward building a positive reputation for the organization. Many firms use public relation activities such as publicity (news releases, media advertisements, feature stories) and special events (open houses, VIP parties, grand openings) to inform various audiences about the company and its products.

Thus the type of work carried out by a PR manager and stuff will differ from one organization to another and depend on many factors.

Work responsibilities of PR professionals are the following:

Writing and distributing news releases, photographs and other materials to the press.

Organizing press conferences, receptions and press-tours.

Maintaining web-site.

Arranging press, radio and television interviews for management.

Editing and producing journals.

Writing and producing printed media such as company history, annual reports, etc.

Handling PR sponsorships.

Official openings of new offices, plants, etc. – arrangements for VIPs, guests and press.


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