Студопедия — Test on the video film. Task I. Before watching the film, make sure you know the following words and word combinations: - a flexible schedule - budget - challenge -
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Test on the video film. Task I. Before watching the film, make sure you know the following words and word combinations: - a flexible schedule - budget - challenge -

A. Previewing task.

Task I. Before watching the film, make sure you know the following words and word combinations:

- a flexible schedule - budget - challenge - circumstances - contingency - forecast / prediction - guidelines - standpoint - statement - testament - trend - interest rate - expenditures on promotion - in any endeavour - the board of trustees - the nitty-gritty - thoroughly planned - conceivable - critical / crucial - entrepreneurial - remarkable - to interconnect - to determine - to put an emphasis - to be geared around smth - to bundle the resources - to be predicated on objectives - to apply the test of consistency - to cope / deal with uncertainty - to reduce uncertainty - to establish / set objectives - to exploit the opportunity - to extend / extrapolate - to perform a resource audit - to reap benefits from smth. - to accomplish / execute a plan - to relate to smth - to select / identify the relevant dimensions - to transmit / to receive


B. While watching.

Task II. Match the words with their definitions:

1. plan a) a definition of your current strategy in a simple language
2. scheduling b) coordinating the activities in order to get a desired result in the end
3. budgeting c) a long-term vision of how a company is going to succeed
4. strategic profile d) an arrangement, especially one that has been carefully considered for carrying out some activity
5. strategic planning e) determining what the cost of performing different tasks is going to be
6. tactical planning f) determining everything that has to be done: the tasks, the schedule, the budget
7. operational planning g) setting up a time sequence how different tasks are going to be done


Task III. The process of planning can be broken down into a series of basic steps. Rearrange the steps of a strategic planning process in the correct order:

1. Apply the test of consistency.

2. Define the strategic options (ways of bundling the resources to exploit the opportunity).

3. Do a strategic profile.

4. Make a strategic choice.

5. Make strategic predictions (forecast).

6. Negotiate the choice.

7. Perform a resource audit (SWOT analysis).

8. Study what is going on in the environment that is key for your business.

( Note: Most companies and organizations use their own terminology for these steps. While they may appear to compress several steps into a single function, the basic logic of the strategic planning process is fairly consistent).

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