Студопедия — V1.3: Чтение
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V1.3: Чтение


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Jean Martin Charcot is considered to be …

Jean-Martin Charcot. Jean-Martin Charcot was born in Paris in 1825. He received his Master's degree at the University of Paris in 1853. In 1860 he became a professor at his alma mater. Two years later he began to works at hospital as well. In 1882 he opened a neurological clinic and became known throughout Europe. Students came from everywhere to study the new field. Among them were Alfred Binet and a young Sigmund Freud..

Charcot is well known in medical circles for his studies of the neurology of motor disorders resulting diseases and localization of brain functions. He is considered the father of modern neurology.

In psychology he is best known for his use of hypnosis to successfully treating women suffering from the psychological disorder then known as hysteria.

Charcot believed that hysteria was due to a congenitally weak nervous system combined with the effects of some traumatic experience. Hypnotizing these patients brought on a state similar to hysteria itself. He found that in some cases the symptoms would actually lessen after hypnosis although he was only interested in studying hysteria not in curing it. Others would later use hypnosis as a part of curing the problem.

-: the father of modern psychology

-: the father of modern surgery

-: the father of modern neurology

-: the father of experimental medicine


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Jean Martin Charcot lived in …

Jean-Martin Charcot. Jean-Martin Charcot was born in Paris in 1825. He received his Master's degree at the University of Paris in 1853. In 1860 he became a professor at his alma mater. Two years later he began to works at hospital as well. In 1882 he opened a neurological clinic and became known throughout Europe. Students came from everywhere to study the new field. Among them were Alfred Binet and a young Sigmund Freud..

Charcot is well known in medical circles for his studies of the neurology of motor disorders resulting diseases and localization of brain functions. He is considered the father of modern neurology.

In psychology he is best known for his use of hypnosis to successfully treating women suffering from the psychological disorder then known as hysteria.

Charcot believed that hysteria was due to a congenitally weak nervous system combined with the effects of some traumatic experience. Hypnotizing these patients brought on a state similar to hysteria itself. He found that in some cases the symptoms would actually lessen after hypnosis although he was only interested in studying hysteria not in curing it. Others would later use hypnosis as a part of curing the problem.

-: Italy

-: France

-: Germany

-: England


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Jean-Martin Charcot. Jean-Martin Charcot was born in Paris in 1825. He received his Master's degree at the University of Paris in 1853. In 1860 he became a professor at his alma mater. Two years later he began to works at hospital as well. In 1882 he opened a neurological clinic and became known throughout Europe. Students came from everywhere to study the new field. Among them were Alfred Binet and a young Sigmund Freud..

Charcot is well known in medical circles for his studies of the neurology of motor disorders resulting diseases and localization of brain functions. He is considered the father of modern neurology.

In psychology he is best known for his use of hypnosis to successfully treating women suffering from the psychological disorder then known as hysteria.

Charcot believed that hysteria was due to a congenitally weak nervous system combined with the effects of some traumatic experience. Hypnotizing these patients brought on a state similar to hysteria itself. He found that in some cases the symptoms would actually lessen after hypnosis although he was only interested in studying hysteria not in curing it. Others would later use hypnosis as a part of curing the problem.

-:Charcot treated patients with hysteria.

-: Charcot studied the neurology of motor disorders.

-. Charcot worked both at the University and at hospital.

-: Hysteria is a psychological disorder.


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Jean-Martin Charcot. Jean-Martin Charcot was born in Paris in 1825. He received his Master's degree at the University of Paris in 1853. In 1860 he became a professor at his alma mater. Two years later he began to works at hospital as well. In 1882 he opened a neurological clinic and became known throughout Europe. Students came from everywhere to study the new field. Among them were Alfred Binet and a young Sigmund Freud..

Charcot is well known in medical circles for his studies of the neurology of motor disorders resulting diseases and localization of brain functions. He is considered the father of modern neurology.

In psychology he is best known for his use of hypnosis to successfully treating women suffering from the psychological disorder then known as hysteria.

Charcot believed that hysteria was due to a congenitally weak nervous system combined with the effects of some traumatic experience. Hypnotizing these patients brought on a state similar to hysteria itself. He found that in some cases the symptoms would actually lessen after hypnosis although he was only interested in studying hysteria not in curing it. Others would later use hypnosis as a part of curing the problem.

-: One of Charcot’s teachers at the University was Sigmund Freud.

-: Charcot never used hypnosis to treat patients.

-: He was interested in curing hysteria but not studying it.

-: Charcot thought that hysteria was due to a weak nervous system.


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Jean Martin Charcot opened …

Jean-Martin Charcot. Jean-Martin Charcot was born in Paris in 1825. He received his Master's degree at the University of Paris in 1853. In 1860 he became a professor at his alma mater. Two years later he began to works at hospital as well. In 1882 he opened a neurological clinic and became known throughout Europe. Students came from everywhere to study the new field. Among them were Alfred Binet and a young Sigmund Freud..

Charcot is well known in medical circles for his studies of the neurology of motor disorders resulting diseases and localization of brain functions. He is considered the father of modern neurology.

In psychology he is best known for his use of hypnosis to successfully treating women suffering from the psychological disorder then known as hysteria.

Charcot believed that hysteria was due to a congenitally weak nervous system combined with the effects of some traumatic experience. Hypnotizing these patients brought on a state similar to hysteria itself. He found that in some cases the symptoms would actually lessen after hypnosis although he was only interested in studying hysteria not in curing it. Others would later use hypnosis as a part of curing the problem.

-: a psychiatric clinic

-: a psychiatric laboratory

-: a neurological clinic

-: a neurological laboratory


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What are people interested most of all in?

Psychology of Love. Human beings are more interested in love than in anything else. But what exactly happens when people fall in love? Scientists have been studying the phenomenon of love and it seems that love is a less romantic business than we thought.

The first stage of falling in love is that we like the size and shape of somebody’s face. Getting closer our hearts begin to beat faster. For love to develop both a man and a woman must have similar feelings.

At the second stage of falling in love our brain releases a substance called dopamine. And everything we are feeling is the effect of dopamine.

When people reach the third stage of falling in love they are so crazy of each other that they become blind to each other’s faults.

Then people enter the last stage of love. And if our body is not still producing the right chemicals called endorphins, the love may disappear.

-: money

-: love

-: work

-: children


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How many stages does the process of falling in love have?

Psychology of Love. Human beings are more interested in love than in anything else. But what exactly happens when people fall in love? Scientists have been studying the phenomenon of love and it seems that love is a less romantic business than we thought.

The first stage of falling in love is that we like the size and shape of somebody’s face. Getting closer our hearts begin to beat faster. For love to develop both a man and a woman must have similar feelings.

At the second stage of falling in love our brain releases a substance called dopamine. And everything we are feeling is the effect of dopamine.

When people reach the third stage of falling in love they are so crazy of each other that they become blind to each other’s faults.

Then people enter the last stage of love. And if our body is not still producing the right chemicals called endorphins, the love may disappear.

-: 1

-: 3


-: 6


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What chemical substances must the body produce for love not to disappear?

Psychology of Love. Human beings are more interested in love than in anything else. But what exactly happens when people fall in love? Scientists have been studying the phenomenon of love and it seems that love is a less romantic business than we thought.

The first stage of falling in love is that we like the size and shape of somebody’s face. Getting closer our hearts begin to beat faster. For love to develop both a man and a woman must have similar feelings.

At the second stage of falling in love our brain releases a substance called dopamine. And everything we are feeling is the effect of dopamine.

When people reach the third stage of falling in love they are so crazy of each other that they become blind to each other’s faults.

Then people enter the last stage of love. And if our body is not still producing the right chemicals called endorphins, the love may disappear.



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Psychology of Love. Human beings are more interested in love than in anything else. But what exactly happens when people fall in love? Scientists have been studying the phenomenon of love and it seems that love is a less romantic business than we thought.

The first stage of falling in love is that we like the size and shape of somebody’s face. Getting closer our hearts begin to beat faster. For love to develop both a man and a woman must have similar feelings.

At the second stage of falling in love our brain releases a substance called dopamine. And everything we are feeling is the effect of dopamine.

When people reach the third stage of falling in love they are so crazy of each other that they become blind to each other’s faults.

Then people enter the last stage of love. And if our body is not still producing the right chemicals called endorphins, the love may disappear.

-: Love is a very romantic business.

-: Love is a very stupid business.

-: Love is not very romantic.

-: Love is a dangerous business.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 357. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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