Студопедия — The language of military documents.
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The language of military documents.

Coming from its communicative aim, the language of this style has its own system of units and means. They are 1. A special of cliches, terms and set expressions: I beg to inform you, Dear sir, your obedient servants, here in after named etc.2. the use of the words in their logical dictionary meaning words with emotive meaning is not used here.

2) Functional styles of Ukr. Language.

The style of literary language is a variety of language, which characterizes of selection such means from various language resources which correspond a task of communication between people in the best way.

Every style has:

The sphere of extension and usage

Functional assignment (regulation of relations, message, influence, communication, etc.).

A system of language means and stylistic norms (vocabulary, phraseology, grammatical forms, types of sentences).

These components concretize, defend and fix every style and make it rather durable type of literary language. An excellent knowledge of every style is a reliable guarantee of successes in any sphere of communication.

Highly-developed modern literary ukr. language has ramified system of styles: colloquial, artistic, scientific and publicistic. All styles have oral and written forms. The structure of different styles is unequal. But the common thing is that they are types of one language; represent all wealth of its expressive means and perform important functions in the life of society – provide communication in different spheres and branches.

The characteristic of the main functional styles:

Colloquial style. The sphere of usage – oral everyday communication in a family life, in manufacturing. The main aim – to be a mean of influence and natural intercourse, exchange of ideas, feelings, judgements, clarification of industrial and everyday relations.

Major features:

- direct participation in communication

- oral form of communication

- unofficial relations between speakers

- natural communication

- emotional reactions

Artistic style:

This is the greatest and the most powerful style of ukr. language. It can be defined as generalization and combination all the styles, as the writers insert one or another styles to their works for greater persuasiveness and reliability in the rendering of events. Artistic style is widely used in creative activity, different types of art, in culture and education. With the exception of informative function this type of style also performs the most essential – aesthetic: to have an influence by means of artistic word through the system of images on mind, feeling, to form ideological convictions, moral qualities and aesthetic tastes.

The major features:

- the most important feature – imagery.

- poetical painting

- the aesthetics of communication

- expression as intensity of expressing (solemn, polite, sweet, gentle, familiar, joyful, rough).

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