Студопедия — The Translation Of The English Asyndetic Substantival Clusters (multicomponental attributive word groups).
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The Translation Of The English Asyndetic Substantival Clusters (multicomponental attributive word groups).

Present-day English abounds in asyndetic noun clusters which are very often used in newspaper and scientific matter/texts. They are word-groups consisting of two, three or more nouns (functionally equivalent to word-groups) like yarn production, yam production fig­ures; the House of Commons debate; mother and child care. New Deal and Great Society programs. '

Irrespective of the number of components in these clusters or their structure, they are always in subordinate relation to each other, i.e., they function as adjunct (attributive component) and head (nu­cleus). The former occupies the left-hand (initial) position and the latter- the right-hand (closing) position in the cluster. The subordi­nate relation between the parts of the binary asyndetic substantival cluster can be graphically presented as follows: yarn —> production, the House of Commons -* debate, mother and child -> care, cotton yarn -> production, New Deal and Great Society -> pro- grams.

In many such and the like noun clusters the head components may have a compound noun or a word-group structure too: Sahara

-> oilwells, US -> open tennis champions, Stormont -> a Social Democratic and Labour Party MP. Many asyndetic noun clusters may have extended adjuncts and extended/expanded heads as in exam­ples Upper Clyde Shipbuilders -> shop stewards; Noise Advisory Council -> working group representative; the Suez Canal Zone base—> agreement negotiations.

So is the structural complexity of many asyndetic substantival clusters, which may make their identification as two-, three-, four-, etc. componental word-group uncertain. In other words, a difficulty may arise as to how the asyndetic clusters should be treated - as the NN, NNN, or NNNN, etc. word-groups. This is of importance not so much for the allotment of a substantival cluster, which can partly be seen from the following examples: wage increase підвищення заробітної платні/зарплати; 10 per cent wage increase підвищення зарплати на 10% or десяти відсоткове підвищення зарплатні; US policy політика США; US foreign policy зовнішня політика США; the House of Common's debate дебати в палаті громад; the recent House of Commons debate недавні/останні дебати в палаті громад.

The adjectival components, therefore, can extend the asyndetic noun cluster and change the starting point of their translation without changing in any way their asyndetic nature. Neither do they change the quantitative correlation of noun components in the clusters. Thus, the House of Commons debate, the Scottish League Cup-tie, the US foreign policy, etc. are two-componental NN-type asyndetic substan­tival clusters. Proceeding from this, the components like North-West, the U.S.A., the U.K., Long Kesh and the like are to be treated as single heads or single adjuncts, since they function as a single Compound or Nabbreviate</N proper- еіс- Hence, the word-groups, as these below, are three-componental only: the Long Kesh concentration camp (Nprop. +NN), the US foreign policy statement (Nabbrev.+ AN+N).

It goes without saying that each lexeme in the asyndetic sub­stantival clusters adds some new meaning to its general semantic structure. Hence, the more lexemes the cluster consists of, the more unlike the other ways of approach to its translating there may be.

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