Студопедия — Sound Practice. A. Phonetic dictation. Listen to the following words and word combinations
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Sound Practice. A. Phonetic dictation. Listen to the following words and word combinations

A. Phonetic dictation. Listen to the following words and word combinations. Write them in transcription. Lay stresses and tone marks.

a) Deep,































plodded slowly,

fell over with laughter,

ambled towards the stream,

lame the distance,

started boasting,

settled down,

by the edge of the stream,

kept lumbering along,

nibble the sweet grass,

feel a little sleepy,

complete the course,

fell asleep,

reached the point,

didn’t waist his breath,

crossed the finishing line,

slow coach,

at great speed,

longer than intended


B. Listen to the word-combinations in Task A. Define and explain the phonetic process occurring at the juncture of consonants.

C. Listen to the following words. Write them down in transcription, mark the placement of stress. Divide them into syllables.


Slow – ly /sl/

Clea – ring /kl/

Eve – ning /vn/

Fast – est /f/

Star – ted /st/

Tor – toise

Ne – ver /n/

For – est

Win – ner


Lum – be – ring

Nibb – le

Ea – ting //

Gent – ly

Am – ble //

A – ni – mals //

Wa – king //

Sudd – en – ly /sVd/

A – greed or ag – reed

Intonation practice

A. Listen to the following sentences. Concentrate on adverbial modifier groups and clauses of time and place in different sentence positions. Write them down. Lay stresses and tone marks. Draw tonograms. Define their intonation patterns. Do it in writing.

a) Deep in the forest there was a clearing.

b) A stream ran through it and it was here in the evening that all the animals would gather to drink.

c) One evening as tortoise ambled towards the stream the hare who was the fastest animal in the forest called to the tortoise, “Come on, slow coach”.

d) On hearing this the tortoise walked slowly over to the hare and said, “All right, then.

e) We’ll run from here to the edge of the forest and then back again by the edge of the stream.

f) At sunrise all the animals had turned out to see the race.

g) Very soon the Hare was out of sight....

h) The Hare and the Tortoise stood at the start line.

i) The sun was now high in the sky and eating all that grass had made him feel a little sleepy.

j) And very soon crossed the finishing line.

k) Later that day the animals waiting in the clearing saw the Tortoise plodding towards them.

l) Only then did Tortoise tell the others that he had passed Hare asleep by the stream.

m) Suddenly there was a rustle in the forest.

B. Listen to the following sentences. Write them down. Lay stresses and tone marks. Establishthe sets of intonational means expressing the speakers’ attitudes and emotions (positive/negative). Put the meaning expressed in the utterance in one word (content, discontent, boast, mockery, superiority, surprise, pride, delight, etc.).

a) “Come on, slow coach”.

b) “I am the fastest here”, he said. “I can run faster than any of you”.

c) “You?”, he said. “You, race against me?! Ha, ha, ha! I’ve never heard anything so funny! You’ll never beat me in a race!”.

d) “The Tortoise will take all day to complete the course. I think I’ll just lie down here for a nap.”

e) “Where’s the Hare?”, they called out.

f) “Hurray! Tortoise has won! Well done, slow coach!” they called out.

g) “You see”, said Tortoise, “slow and steady wins the race”.

C. Analyse the intonational organisation of the final block of the fairy tale: a) mark its syntagmatic division; b) define the nuclei of the intonation groups; c) lay stress-tone marks on the rest of the words; d) describe the use of scales, terminal tones and pauses at the juncture of intonation groups and sentences; define their functions; e) enumerate the prosodic markers of the whole block (pitch, range, loudness, tempo variations, pauses, rhythm, voice quality). Do it in writing. Practice reading the passage imitating the speaker’s intonation.

Only then did Tortoise tell the others that he had passed Hare asleep by the stream. Suddenly there was a rustle in the forest. And Hare burst into the clearing at great speed. He had well come and realised that he had slept much longer than intended. He had raced back to the clearing but it was too late.

“You see”, said Tortoise, “slow and steady wins the race”.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1069. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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