Студопедия — EXERCISE 45b — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs, participle adjectives, and nouns from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.
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EXERCISE 45b — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs, participle adjectives, and nouns from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. Caterpillars become butterflies. What do caterpillars do?

2. Dan appeared at his uncle's funeral. What did Dan do?

3. Frank was thinking of asking Jane for a date, but when he saw her smoking one cigarette after another, he changed his mind. What did Jane's smoking do to Frank?

4. In Question 3, what does Frank think smoking is?

5. In Question 3, how did Frank feel when he saw Jane smoking?

6. Whenever my wife wears my favorite perfume, I feel romantic. What does the perfume do to me?

7. In Question 6, what do I think the perfume is?

8. In Question 6, how do I feel whenever my wife wears my favorite perfume?

9. You're changing the controls of the heater to make it warmer. What are you doing?

10. The rate at which old employees are replaced with new employees in my company is very low. What is very low at my company?

11. This factory manufactures 25,000 cars every year. What does the factory do?

12. Nicole didn't change the controls of her radio to make it louder. What didn't Nicole do?

13. The detective asked every bank employee a lot of questions about the missing money, but she hasn't discovered anything. What hasn't the detective done?

14. After the gas station went out of business, it was bought and changed into a Chinese restaurant. What happened to the gas station?

15. Sally wanted to dye her hair red, but it became orange. What did Sally's hair do?

16. Karen's father asked her if he could borrow enough money to pay his property taxes, and Karen couldn't say no to him. What couldn't Karen do?

17. Todd's company will probably make $4 million this year. What will Todd's company probably do this year?

18. Ned hasn't given his paper to his teacher. What hasn't Ned done?

19. Lydia knows that her brother robbed a bank, but she's not going to tell the police. What isn't Lydia going to do to her brother?

20. So many people attended the political rally that there wasn't enough room in the auditorium. Why wasn't there enough room at the political rally?

21. In Question 20, the number of people who attended the rally was large. What was large?

22. David was too lazy to wash the rug, so he put the dirty side on the bottom and the clean side on the top. What did David do to the rug?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 496. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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