Студопедия — Ex.21. Match the reports with the actual words used.
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Ex.21. Match the reports with the actual words used.

1. "You can't leave yet. It's only 11 o'clock." 2. "Well, I'll do whatever I can for you." 3. "If I were you I would get in touch with the manager." 4. "I bumped into your brother in London yesterday." 5. "I'll certainly come and see you some time." 6. "It's no good just telephoning.Put something in writing. 7. "We have too much work at the moment." 8. "I'm afraid it's time for us to leave."

a) They said they had to go. b) He said he would help if he could. c) She promised she would visit us. d) He suggested that we should write to the boss. e) They insisted we should stay a bit longer. f) They complained that they were too busy. G) She mentioned that she had met you. H) I explained that they should send a letter.

Ex.22. Use the appropriate form of these verbs to complete the definitions and examples.

Admit announce argue complain deny mention explain inform

1. If you … someone that something is the case, you tell them about it. I … her that I was unwell and couldn't come to her party. 2. If you … something, you agree, often reluctantly, that it is true. I must … that I had my doubts. 3. When you … something, you say, that it is not true. Green … that he had done anything illegal. 4. If you … something, you tell people about it publicly or officially. It was … that the Prime Minister would speak on television that evening. 5. If you …, you tell someone about the situation affecting you that is wrong or unsatisfactory. He … that the office was not "businesslike". 6. If you…something, you say it, but do not spend long talking about it. I … to Tom that I was thinking of going back to work. 7. If you … something, you describe it so that it can be understood. He … that they had to buy a return ticket. 8. If you … that something is the case, you state your opinion about it and give reasons why you think it is true. Some people … that nuclear weapons have helped to keep the peace.

Ex.23. Complete each sentence with one suitable reporting verb. Do not use "say";.

1. I thought Jim would say something about his new job. But he didn't … it. 2. Sorry, I wasn't being insulting. I simply … that you seem to have put on rather a lot of weight lately. 3. The police … that the crowd was under 50 000, although the organizers of the march put it at nearer 100 000. 4. The children … that their parents were always checking up on them. 5. It has been … that by the year 2050 some capital cities will be almost uninhabitable because of the effects of air pollution. 6. During the months before Smith's transfer from City, it had been … that he and the manager had come to blows in the dressing room, though this was denied by the club. 7. Brown … that the arresting officers had treated him roughly, and that one of them had punched him in the eye. 8. An Army spokesman stressed that all troops patrolling the streets had been … to issue clear warnings before firing any shots. 9. Although he didn't say so directly, the Prime Minister … that an agreement between the two sides was within reach. 10. The witness … her name and address to the court before the cross-examination began.

Ex.24. Report the following "Yes/no" questions.

1. My neighbour wondered: "Will Mrs. Xuxley be able to manage alone?" 2. The lady asked the jeweller: "Would you mind showing me the diamond bracelet in the window?" 3. The manager asked the staff: "Do you realize how important this matter is?" 4. My landlady asked me: "Did you hear anything unusual last night?" 5. Mr. Brown wondered: "Is this the man who is an expert in African affairs?" 6. "Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?" said my aunt. 7. "Can I bring my dog into the compartment with me?" she asked. 8. "Have you reserved a seat?" asked my uncle. 9. "Did you play for your school team?" said Bill. 10. " Have you enrolled for more than one class?" said Peter. 11. "Would you like to join our Drama Group?" asked Sheila. 12. " Did they understand what you said to them?" he wanted to know. 13. "Have you gone completely mad?" I asked. "Do you want to blow us all up? 14. "Are you being attended to, sir?" said the shop assistant. 15. "Will you go on strike when the others do?" the shop steward asked him.

Ex.25. Report the following "wh-questions";

1. Why are you looking through the keyhole?" I said. 2. Which of you knows how to make Irish stew?" said the chief cook. 3. How can I run in high-heeled shoes?" she inquired. 4. "What was she wearing when you saw her last night?" the policeman asked me. 5. "Who left the banana skin on the front doorstep?" said my mother. 6. "How much does a day return to Bath cost?" Mrs. Jones asked. 7. "When was the time-table changed?" I asked.

8. "Who will be umpiring that match?" asked Tom. 9. "Which team won the previous match?" said Bill. 10. "Why has the 2.30 train been cancelled?" said the passenger. 11. "What happened to Mr. Pitt?" said one of the men. 12. "Which of his sons inherited the estate?" asked another. 13. "What shall I do with my heavy bag?" she said. (Use "should") 14. "How can I get from the station to the airport?" asked the foreigner. 15. "Why does the price go up so often?" she wondered.

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