Студопедия — Put a helping verb like did before the subject.
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Put a helping verb like did before the subject.

Example: Where did it happen?

Did you go to hospital?


Wh-questions in the simple past.


When, Who, Which or How is the subject of the sentence, do not use did.


Examples: Who invented Coca-Cola?

What happened to him?

But – what did Biro invent (Biro is the subject)


▲14.Open the brackets. Ask questions.

1. Who (to cry) in the kitchen five minute ago?

2. When you last (to talk) on the phone?

3. She (to write) a letter to her grandmother last month?

4. How many times you (to go) to the theatre last year?

5. Why Jack (not to take) a shower yesterday?

6. Your dog (to bark) in the garden yesterday evening?

7. How much meat you (to buy) yesterday?

8. They (to drink) Coca-Cola two hour ago?

9. Where they (to go) the day before yesterday?

10. Where Carol (to work) five years ago?

11. When Kate last (to sweep) the floor?

12. Who (to open) the window two hours ago?

13. What book she (to read) last month?

14. Which of your friends (to go) to London last year?

15. Why Fred (not to swim) in the pond yesterday morning?


▲15 .Past Simple Tense. Ask and answer the questions using the verbs in brackets.


Example: What did Mike do yesterday? (to go/ to the country) He went to the country yesterday.

1. Why didn’t he watch TV yesterday? (to do/ homework)

2. Where did they go last week? (to be/ Spain)

3. What did the child eat for breakfast yesterday morning? (to eat/ porridge)

4. Why didn’t Jim play table tennis last Saturday? (to run/at the stadium)

5. How many times was Susan ill last year? (to be ill/ 3 times)

6. Who wrote the story “The Prince and the Pauper”? (Mark Twain/ to write)

7. When did your friends live in Scotland? (to live/ in 2000)

8. Why didn’t you buy a new car last summer? (to buy/ a new house)

9. When did you listen to that play on the radio? (to listen/ last Saturday)

10. Who drove Liz to the theatre to other day? (her husband/ to drive)

11. Where did she work many years ago? (to work/ in a bank)

12. Why didn’t John go to the cinema last Sunday? (to write/ a composition)


▲ 16. Choose the correct item.

1. They … abut Australia last autumn.

Aren’t traveling, don’t travel, didn’t travel.

2. David … a bicycle last week.

Didn’t ride, is riding, doesn’t ride.

3. I … my English books on the table yesterday.

Aren’t putting, don’t put, didn’t put.

4. The parrot … about the room yesterday evening.

Doesn’t fly, didn’t fly, isn’t fly.

5. My father … a car last Sunday.

Isn’t driving, didn’t drive, doesn’t drive.

6. Granny … a cake last Tuesday.

Isn’t making, doesn’t make, didn’t make.

7. Julia … a camera with her last weekend.

Doesn’t take, isn’t take, didn’t take.


▲17. Complete the sentences by using the verbs below.

keep read cut leave
shake draw bite steal
forget get hear feel


1. Chris hurt his finger when he was cooking his dinner last night. He accidentally_______ it with a sharp knife

2. When I introduced Tom to Ryan, they_________ hand and smiled to each other.

3. Alice called the police yesterday because someone _________ her bicycle while she was in the library studying.

4. Jessica didn’t throw her old shoes away. She ________ them because they were comfortable.

5. I __________ an interesting article in the newspaper yesterday.

6. Dick ___________ his apartment in a hurry this morning, because he was late for school. That’s why he ________ to bring his books to class.

7. The children _________ pictures of themselves in art class yesterday.

8. Last night I ________ a strange noise in the house around 2:00a. m., so I _________ up to investigate.

9. My dog isn’t very friendly. Yesterday she ________ my neighbor’s leg. Luckily, my dog is very old and doesn’t have sharp teeth, so she didn’t hurt my neighbor.

10. I have a cold. Yesterday I __________ terrible, but I’m feeling better today.


▲18.Translate from Ukrainian into English.

1. Ніна взяла книгу у бібліотеці минулого місяця.

2. Я телефонувала бабусі вчора вранці.

3. Ігор дивився футбольний матч по телевізору вчора.

4. Вони розбили вазу 10 хвилин тому.

5. Він допоміг йому минулого тижня.

6. В 10 годин вечора він дув дома.

7. Я був у Мінську 2 роки тому.

8. Діти допомагали батькам в саду вчора.

9. Олег ходив вчора у кіно.

10. Хто приходив до тебе вчора?

11. О котрій годині ти вчора встав?

12. У школі я вчив німецьку мову.

13. Що ви робили на уроці англійської мови?

14. Ми читали, перекладали, ставили питання до нового тексту.


▲19.Translate into Ukrainian

1. You wrote the test yesterday.

2. She didn’t go to school yesterday. She was ill.

3. They had a nice weekend last week.

4. Yesterday he got home and took his dog for a walk.

5. She bought a new dress two days ago.

6. He didn’t to understand the teacher last lesson.

7. She ate an ice-cream yesterday.

8. I was in this town last year.

9. They watched television yesterday evening.


▲20. Complete the sentences by the Past Indefinite of the verbs in parentheses.

1. When I was shopping yesterday, I (buy) some light bulbs and cooking pot.

2. Alex (bring) his book at class with him. He didn’t forget it.

3. I dropped my favorite vase. It fell on the floor and (break) into a hundred pieces.

4. My brother and his wife (come) to our apartment for dinner last night.

5. Mr. Manning (teach) Astronomy at the local high school last year.

6. Last night around midnight, when I was sound asleep, the telephone (ring). It (wake) me up.

7. The sun (rise) at 6:04 this morning.

8. My dog (dig) a hole in the yard and buried his bone.

9. Last night I (not sleep) well. I (have) a nightmare.

10. I (write) a letter to my parents after I (finish) studying yesterday evening.

11. It (be) really cold yesterday. The temperature (be) three below zero. I nearly (freeze) to death when I walked home!

12. The police (catch) the bank robbers. They are in jail now.

13. I (think) about going to Florida for my vocation, but I finally decided to go to Paris.

14. Today Paul has on slacks and a sports jacket, but yesterday he (wear) jeans and a sweatshirt to class.



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