Студопедия — Study the Vocabulary Notes.
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Study the Vocabulary Notes.

  to disregard нехтувати, ігнорувати
  request прохання
  way out вихід
  demand вимога
  patience терпіння
  mutual understanding взаєморозуміння
  obligations обов’язки
  to set strict rules встановлювати суворі правила
  gripe скарга, нарікання
  generation покоління
  to refuse відмовлятися
  get irritated роздратовуватися
  self-sufficient самодостатній
  constant постійний


2. Read two articles from the Ukrainian youth magazine. Do you agree with the children?

1. There are a lot of eternal problems in our society. But one of the most important and difficult is the problem of relations between parents and children. How many times do we say that our parents don’t understand us or simply disregard our wishes and requests? Personally I can say that conflict situations take place in every family and it is necessary to find the right way out. I consider that parents are our closest and best friends. They will always be considerate of our behaviour and health, give you valuable advice and never forget the date of our birthday. In my opinion all parents should have demands to their children to form their personality and teach them to be good-mannered daughters and sons. I have such rules in my family and I can say that it is really good and safe not only for my parents but also for my life. I must always let my parents know where I will go and when I’ll come back. I don’t want my mother and father to worry about me. I am grateful to my parents for their boundless love and patience. It’s very important to come to mutual understanding and I try to reach such perfect relations. Don’t forget about your obligations and your parents won’t forget about your wishes.

2. I think parents can’t do without rules. They always don’t like the things we do, the life we choose. Sometimes we can even think that they have never been teenagers. For many teenagers it’s really a great problem. But we should understand our parents, at least sometimes. Because once we will have children and we will be parents.Sometimes I’m angry because of my parents, especially of my mother. She always doesn’t like the time of my dates and sets strict rules. But if I begin to speak about her youth, she always supports me and agrees with me.


3. Tick the statements of the ninth grade boy if you do or think the same. Refute (спростуй) them if you disagree. “Biggest Gripes about Parents”:

1. At times I find it hard to talk with my parents, because we get into arguments and we get mad.

2. Nevertheless I do consider their ideas later.

3. Last month I have discussed allowance, dancing, a job this summer, and how I’ll get a car.

4. I have not discussed social activities but I’d like to.

5. My father always says ask your mother.

6. My biggest gripes about my parents are that they don’t explain why we have to do things.

7. My father is very forgetful and cannot remember where he puts things.

8. My mother is easier to get along with but not by much.

9. I think parents influence you because they make you proud of them.

10. And then they do something bad and you get to think it’s OK.

11. If they are not good parents, you will not be a good person.


4. Prove or disapprove the following. Give your examples. The most important qualities for ideal parents are:

Being able to discipline.  
Can keep the family together no matter what.  
Help the children in times of trouble.  
Set good examples.  
Be able to understand the child’s problem.  


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 574. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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