Студопедия — Special types of sheets
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Special types of sheets

Sheets with felt coating

In order to avoid the dripping of condensed water occurring on cold roofs we provide the back side of the Lindab trapezoid sheets and tile effect sheets optionally with a special anti-condensation felt layer binding the humidity.

This coating will bind condensed water transitionally, which will evaporate therefrom and thus it will not drip on the materials stored under the roof. The backside coating applied on the sheet is provided with antibacterial protection. In order to reach good efficiency appropriate ventilation is important.

Thereby the Lindab sheets provided with anti-condensation coating supply an ideal solution for agricultural buildings having no heat insulation.

Perforated sheets

We can reach an excellent noise dampening effect, if we apply LVP20, LVP35, LVP45 perforated sheets as internal claddings of heat insulated halls (wall, roof). This is particularly interesting in case of buildings, where noise dampening is prescribed even by the building regulations. In the tra- pezoid sheets perpared in the factory with wholes of a diameter d=3,0 mm the specific dimensions of perforation is 33%, as compared to the whole surface.




Sound absorption coefficient

The main field of use of Lindab high-rib trapezoid sheets, abbreviated as “high profiles”, is the secondary load-bearing structure of industrial halls. It is applied most frequently as load-bearing sheet of closing floors (in the case of roofs with small slopes it is recommended to use one-layer roof shells with soft cover, while in the case of a bigger roof slope it can be used as an element of two-shelled order of layers with a lowrib upper trapezoid sheet), and it applies as permanent formwork of intermediate reinforced concrete floors. In addition, they are highly fit for final load-bearing sheets of external cladding sheets or lightweight floors, manufactured with dry technology.


The high profile of appropriate size and thickness will be selected from the broad choice (LTP85, LTP100, LTP135, LTP150) through static dimensioning.


The LTP85 and LTP150 high profiles are manufactured in the Biatorbágy factory.







covering width = 1120











covering width = 930













covering width = 825




covering width = 840






Frequency (Hz)

d=3,0 mm


According to environmental stresses we distinguish types provided with outdoor (25 μm PE) and indoor (15 μm PE) coatings. In industrial buildings, generating a strong internal noise impact, an efficient solution is provided by profiles with perforated webs, thanks to their excellent sound absorption ability.



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Lindab Coverline ® sandwich panel


The sandwich panels supplied by Lindab serve for the delimitation of external and internal walls and roofs of buildings serving industrial purposes, prepared with steel or reinforced concrete frame structure.

We offer panels in a very broad product palette, adjusted to the various customer demands, excellent for industrial, agricultural, logistic buildings and halls alike. The pre- fabricated sandwich panels made of steel facing sheets and infill heat insulation core are perfect choice for fast, efficient and economic roof- and wall cladding of large size buildigns. The infill heat insulation material can be of two different choices: closed-cell polyurethene foam or mineral wool of a higher specific weight as per demand.


Panels with polyurethene foam are more favorable regarding lighter dead load and better heat insulation parameters, while the advantages of panels with mineral wool infill come out in case of high fire proof

Lindab Coverline ® sandwich panel


To avoid mechanical damage of the panel during transportation, the desired protection is guaranteed with self adhesive foils on the external side. Lindab sandwich panels are produced with optimum cross-section configuration and guarantee perfect air- and water tightness and high load- bearing capacity.

The higher rigidity and load bearing of the roof panels are guaranteed with the larger height of the upper trapezoid sheet to bear snow loads and walking safely. The wall panels are available with visible and hidden fixing, and in horizontal and vertical assembly to the demands of designer and the requirements of function and techology.


Roof panel:


külso´´ oldali acéllemez
external side steel sheet





requirements and acoustic demands. The high load- bearing capacity, hot-dip galvanized steel sheets are available with structurally defined sheet thickness and colour of demand for the procurers.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 492. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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