Студопедия — Ex.1. Cross out the incorrect verbs in these sentences. Both verbs may be correct.
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Ex.1. Cross out the incorrect verbs in these sentences. Both verbs may be correct.

1 I couldn't do/make the homework last night. 2 She's going to make/have a party for her birthday. 3 Did he do / make many mistakes? 4 I often make / do the housework. 5 Did you make / take many photos? 6 When do you take / do your next exam? 7 I want to do / make a course in English. 8 We must take / make a decision soon. 9 He is doing / making research in chemistry. 10 They did / made a lot of noise during the party.


Ex.2. Put the following nouns into the correct column depending on if they are used with ‘do’ or ‘make’

a speech, French, a will, fun, a bed, an exam, research, faces, a mistake, a fuss, one’s best, a mess, a noise, the shopping, the gardening, an impression, a complaint, progress, money, well, harm, a sound, business, a decision, a joke, a cake, meat, sense, a point, notes, a fortune, good, a course, a fool, a profit (a loss), difference, amends, sure, one’s hair, an effort, changes, trouble, the housework, a favour, an example, an excuse, one’s duty, homework, the washing up, a test, a choice, the cooking, love.


Ex.3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of 'make' or 'do'. Make sure you use the correct tense! Then translate the sentences into Russian.

1 What do you ………...... for a living? – I'm a dentist.

2 He......…………. a big mistake when he changed his job.

3 You look very tired. Would you like me.…... you a cup of coffee?

4 I haven't got a £20 note. Will two £10 notes …………........?

5 They........ fun of him whenever he wore his new hat.

6 That will......... children! You're giving me a terrible headache!

7 Why does she.......such a fuss of him?

8 What have you …….... to this table cloth? It's got some kind of red liquid all over it!

9 Don't forget to....…………….. your hair before you go out.

10 Could you ………....... me a favour? Please drive me to town.

11 Please........ sure you've switched off all the lights before you leave.

12 Please sit down and........ yourself at home.

13 When he was younger, he........ a fortune selling clothes.

14 How would you like your steak....…...? – Medium, please.

15 He........ so much noise that he woke her up.

16 The new manager........ some changes as soon as he arrived.

17 It doesn't matter if you don't come first as long as you........ your best.

18 I want to........ a phone call. Have you got any change?

19 How did you........ in your exam? – Quite well, I think.

20 Have a nice cup of tea. It will........ you good.

21 Take this medicine. It will........ you better.

22 Be quiet! Don't........ a sound!


Ex. 4. Some sentences with 'make' or 'do' have rather intricate ways of their translation into Russian. Compare the English sentences below with their Russian translation.

1. This room could be done with a good clean. – Эта комната нуждается в тщательной уборке.

2. I think the answer is 2,376. What do you make of it? – Думаю, ответ – 2376. A как по-твоему?

3. What time do you make it? – Nearly six o'clock. – Как по-вашему, который сейчас час? – Около шести.


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