Студопедия — Topic 56 Arts or environment?
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Topic 56 Arts or environment?

In my opinion, a company should give money to protect the environment. Although art is one of the best forms of recreation (видов отдыха) that can touch the soul with its myriad forms (разнообразных формах), and can calm emotions, the present situation calls for protecting the environment. We all are aware (знаем о) of the harmful damages that human race has inflicted (нанёс, причинил) on earth. It is time for us to rectify (чтобы исправить) these damages before it is too late and humans are completely wiped out from the face of the earth. Only if human exist, will art forms exist, as they are directly proportional to each other.


Humans are considered the most intelligent of all species primarily (в первую очередь) due to their very developed and complex brain. But they are also the most selfish of all creatures. We have done a lot of damages to the environment due to our selfish reasons to live comfortably and luxuriously (роскошно). Deforestation has happened on a large scale to build urban and rural dwellings (сельские жилища). Forests, once upon a time (Леса, когда-то), occupied about 60% of the earth's surface. But today they are just confined to a few places (ограничены несколькими местами). Active deforestation has lead to the loss of habitat for a number of species of flora and fauna. This has lead to the extinction of a variety (исчезновению различных) of animals leading to an imbalance in the ecosystem.


The other issue of concern is the (вызывающим озабоченность, является) depleting (истощение) ozone layer above Antarctica. This is also a direсt result of human interference (вмешательства человека). In order to make our lives more comfortable, refrigerators and air conditioners using chlorofluorocarbons or CFC's as they are commonly referred (имеют отношение) to be produced in huge quantities. The damaging effects of these chemicals are visible on the ozone layer. Due to its damage, harmful UV rays of the sun can reach the earth surface causing skin cancers and other ailments.


In view of the above concerns (С учетом указанных выше проблем), the organization should promote (поддерживать, содействовать) the protection of our environment by donating funds generously and organizing campaigns. In fact all the industrial organization should come together and put in sincere efforts to undo the harmful actions that we have done. This is only possible by creating mass awareness among the general public. For this the company must help with both its technical and financial support.


In conclusion, I think the company should choose to protect the environment for the above reasons. Art is of no use if mankind dies. Our future is dark if we do not take steps to protect our environment.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 465. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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