Студопедия — Future Tenses
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Future Tenses


Variant 1

Choose the correct answer:


1. He ___ to Moscow in a few days.

1) return

2) will return

3) will returns

4) returned


2. We ___ him till Monday.

1) don’t see

2) didn’t

3) will not see

4) has not see


3. They ___ for Paris tonight. They have bought tickets.

1) are leaving

2) leave

3) are left

4) was leaving


4. The steamer ___ tomorrow.

1) sails

2) are sailing

3) will be sail

4) will sailed


5. He ___ his summer vocation in the Crimea.

1) spend

2) has spending

3) was spending

4) is going to spend


6. What ___ do this weekend?

1) are you going to

2) is you going to

3) will you to

4) were you going to


7. The road ___ in the summer.

1) open

2) are going to

3) will be opened

4) will open


8. The lesson ___ at 8.30 tomorrow.

1) starts

2) is going to start

3) will be start

4) will starting

9. I’ve got my tickets. I ___ Spain.

1) am going to

2) go

3) will go

4) am gone


10. You look tired. Sit down. I ___ you a cup of coffee.

1) will make

2) am making

3) make

4) made


11. What time ___ tomorrow?

1) is the sun rising

2) the sun rises

3) do the sun rises

4) does the sun rise


12. Where ___ for lunch today?

1) do you go

2) you will go

3) are you going

4) you are going


13. ___ Spanish next year?

1) Do we learn

2) Does we learn

3) Will we learn

4) Are we learn


14. Do you think it ___ later?

1) is raining

2) will rain

3) rains

4) will be rained


15. I can’t come because I ___ on holiday.

1) will be

2) am being

3) was

4) be


16. You want to speak to Ann. Just one minute, please. I ___ her.

1) am going to call

2) will call

3) call

4) am calling


17. Don’t worry about me, Mum. I ___ to you every day from the States.

1) am writing

2) will write

3) write

4) will be written

18. Tomorrow it ___ another cold day in all parts of the country.

1) will be

2) is being

3) is

4) is going to


19. Do you want to play tennis on Friday? I can’t. I ___ my Mum.

1) will visit

2) visit

3) am going to visit

4) visiting


20. I am tired. I think I ___ to bed early tonight.

1) will go

2) go

3) am going

4) gone


21. ___ this letter for me?

1) Does you post

2) Will you post

3) Are you posting

4) You will post


22. Look at those black clouds in the sky. It ___.

1) is going to rain

2) is raining

3) rains

4) rain


23. What shall I do tomorrow? I know. I ___ the kitchen.

1) paint

2) will paint

3) am painting

4) painted


24. Why are you putting on those old clothes? I ___ the kitchen.

1) paint

2) will go

3) am going to paint

4) am paint


25. What time ___ tomorrow evening. At 6.15.

1) the tennis starts

2) does the tennis start

3) will the tennis start

4) the tennis will start



Variant 2


Choose the correct answer:


1. They have missed the last bus. They ___ for a taxi.

1) will phoning

2) are going to phone

3) will be going to phone

4) am phoning


2. Are you ready to order, sir? Yes, please. I ___ the steak.

1) am going to have

2) am having

3) will have

4) am gone to have


3. Oh no! I haven’t got enough money to get home.

Don’t worry! I ___ you some.

1) will lend

2) am going to lend

3) am lending

4) lend


4. I can’t wait any longer. I ___ now.

1) am going to leave

2) will leave

3) will to leave

4) am going leave


5. We ___ home before midnight tonight.

1) aren’t arrive

2) don’t arrive

3) didn’t arrive

4) won’t arrive


6. Next summer holidays ___ on July 25th and ___ on August 29th.

1) begin, end

2) begins, ends

3) will begin, will end

4) are beginning, are ending


7. When ___ for Bristol?

1) is the next train leaving

2) will the next train leave

3) does the next train leave

4) do the next train leave


8. ___ anything this evening?

1) Are you doing?

2) Do you do

3) Will you do

4) Does you do

9. Be careful! You ___ that glass.

1) are going to break

2) break

3) are breaking

4) will break


10. It ___ later tonight.

1) is going to snow

2) is snowing

3) will snow

4) snows


11. We have got plenty of time. Our plane ___ until 9 o’clock.

1) don’t take off

2) isn’t taking off

3) won’t take off

4) doesn’t take off


12. I will write to you when I ___ in Brazil.

1) will arrive

2) am going to arrive

3) arrive

4) am arriving


13. I feel terrible. I think I ___ sick.

1) will be

2) are

3) am going to be

4) are being


14. Sue will give me some money when she ___ paid.

1) will get

2) gets

3) is getting

4) is going to get


15. ’ Why are you selling your house?’ ‘We ___ in the country.’

1) are going to live

2) will live

3) live

4) is leaving


16. ‘ Would you like to come to the cinema with us.’ ‘All right. I ___ you at 7.00.’

1) am meeting

2) will meet

3) meet

4) am going to meet


17. ‘Why have you moved all the furniture out of this room?’ ‘I ___ the carpet.’

1) will clean

2) am going to clean

3) clean

4) am going clean

18. In the future machines ___ all jobs people do today.

1) will do

2) is doing

3) do

4) is going to do


19. Martin ___ us this evening.

1) probably phone

2) probably phones

3) will probably phone

4) is probably phoning


20. If you go to Moscow, you ___ Red Square.

1) will see

2) see

3) is seeing

4) are going to see


21. Simon will get a ticket for the concert, providing he ___ all night.

1) is queuing

2) queues

3) will queue

4) queue


22. Don’t go near that dog! It ___ you.

1) will bite

2) bites

3) is biting

4) bite


23. -I’ve got tea or coffee. Which would you like?

-Oh, thank you. I ___ coffee, please.

1) am going to have

2) will have

3) have

4) am having


24. I can’t go to the beach this morning. I ___ tennis.

1) will play

2) play

3) am playing

4) will be playing


25. If the weather ___ nice this afternoon, we’ll have a picnic.

1) will be

2) is

3) is going to be

4) will

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 2024. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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