Студопедия — Match each word from column A (1-30) with its partner from column B (a-dd) to make a computing term definition from Basic English for Computing Units 9-10
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Match each word from column A (1-30) with its partner from column B (a-dd) to make a computing term definition from Basic English for Computing Units 9-10

1freeze   a) part of an operating system that allows the user to interact with a computer using images and a cursor
2 toner b) to manipulate the data according to the program instructions
3 graphical user interface   c) the part of a computer that processes the data
4 drop-down list box d) a dialog box component that is used for entering text
5 recycle bin   e) a type of computer application program used for typing and editing text documents
6 checkbox   f) suddenly to stop responding. It is usually used in reference to a screen display
7 WIMP interface 9     g) a program used to hide files that are no longer required and bring them back if they are required again. Emptying the recycle bin deletes the files completely.
8 dialog box   h) a dialog box component that opens a list of items when the user clicks on the arrowhead at the end
9 icon   i) a person who maintains and troubleshoots problems with computers
10 support assistant j) the powder used inside laser printers
11 interface   k) to press or release a button on a mouse
12 jam   l) a type of application program with an array of cells that is used for calculating formulas
13password m) a window in a WIMP system that is used to provide information or obtain information from the user
14 menu n) a dialog box component that is used to switch between different sets of data
15text box     o) a dialog box component in the form of a small square box used to indicate one of two alternative states, e.g. true or false. When the user clicks the box with mouse, a cross appears in the box. Clicking again clears the box.
16 title bar p) a way of subdividing a folder so that stored files can be organized into smaller groups
17 active window q) a small picture used in a WIMP system to present a program, folder or file
18 drag & drop   r) The connection between two different systems/ to provide connection between two different systems
19 window     s) interface based on a set of software features and hardware devices (such as windows, icons, mice, and pull-down menus) designed to simplify or demystify computing operations for the user
20 virus t) to get stuck in one position
21 crash u) a list of options displayed on a computer screen
22 subfolder   v) a secret code used to control access to a network system
23spreadsheet   w) a rectangular screen area containing a program, folder or file in a WIMP system
24 click   x) a narrow strip across the top of a window in a WIMP system that indicates what is inside the window
25 word processor   y) suddenly and unexpectedly to stop processing during execution of a program
26 processor   z) move (an image or highlighted text) to another part of the screen using a mouse or similar device
27 process     aa) A common cursor control input device used with a graphical user interface. It has two or three button switches on top and a ball underneath that is rolled on a flat surface.
28 hang bb) a sudden and complete failure/ to fail suddenly and completely
29 tab   cc) a program written deliberately to damage data or cause a computer to behave in an unusual way
30 mouse   dd) the window in a WIMP system that is currently being used. It is usually on top of any other open windows


Unit 11

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