Студопедия — Country Studies. Lesson . The aim of the lesson is to revise how to use pronouns some, any and no when discussing food.
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Country Studies. Lesson . The aim of the lesson is to revise how to use pronouns some, any and no when discussing food.

Speech standards.

Grammar and Vocabulary Studies.

Country Studies. Lesson. The aim of the lesson is to revise how to use pronouns some, any and no when discussing food.

1. Group the words under the following headings: cereals, dairy products, fish, meat, poultry, fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices, drinks, sweets, baked goods.

Barley, grapes, mustard, juice, brown (rye) bread, a pear, sweet wine, rice, cream, a bun, flour, a trout, wheat, a roll, buckwheat, yoghurt, butter, gooseberry, dill, bacon, peas, a head of (a clove of) garlic, an apple, pork, hot chocolate, parsley, a carrot, a bar of chocolate, an onion, veal, duckling, boiled water, milk, turkey, strawberry, a potato, a salmon, a marrow, sour cream, an aubergine, cottage cheese, beans, sausages, red beet, macaroni, mayonnaise, sugar, salt, oil, lamb, chicken, mint, yeast, yolk and white of an egg, white wine, beer.

Read the words in order of their Russian equivalents.

Омлет, жидкий суп, суп-пюре, жидкая каша, каша, мясные котлеты, рыбные котлеты, начинка, фарш, шашлык, какао, запекать, жарить, резать, шинковать, резать ломтиками, варить, тушить, печь, мятая картошка, винигрет.

To roast, cocoa, omelette, thin soup, gruel, to fry, porridge, to boil, to stew, to bake, Russian salad, cream soup, smashed potatoes, minced meat, a meat chop, fish cakes, filling, shish kebab, to cut, to slice, to chop.


2. Match the bits of information with the corresponding examples. Reproduce the examples.

The pronoun some may express an indefinite number of things (несколько, какое-то, какие-нибудь, etc.). Shall I give you some more hot chocolate?
Used with a singular countable noun some may mean a particular but unidentified person or thing (какой-то). To make the cake you’ll need some half a pound of sugar.
Some is very often used for contrast. Then it is strongly stressed. I’ve read it in some book of recipes.
Some may mean “approximately”(примерно, около). Take any apple you like.
As a rule some is used in affirmative sentences, in interrogative and negative sentences it is changed into any or no. I have no cottage cheese left. Have you bought any?
But in special questions and in requests some is used. He gave me some cloves of garlic. But I also need some dill and parsley.
In affirmative sentences any means “it doesn’t matter who, what, which”(всякий, любой). Some people like strong tea, and some don’t.


3. Insert the pronouns required choosing among some, any or no.

1. Did you buy _________ brown bread?

2. He gave me __________ marrows and aubergines.

3. Are there _________ illustrations in that book of recipes? – Yes, there are _________.

4. There is __________ butter on the table, but there isn’t __________ milk.

5. He never puts __________ sugar in his coffee.

6. Do you want _________ apples? Here are ________ tasty ones.

7. I haven’t cooked this cake for ________ ten years.

8. Why didn’t you buy ________ matches? There are ________ matches left. We must buy ________.

9. He wants _________ more pudding. You can take it away.


4. Work in pairs: decide whether you have enough of this or that thing or whether you need more. Substitute words in italics. Make use of exercises 1-3.

- Is there any milkin the fridge? - Yes, there is some. Half a bottle. It is(n’t) enough. - Then we needn’t buy any./ Then we must buy some. on the table, in the cupboard, on the shelf,…
a spoonful, half a tube, half a block, half a pound, a pound and a half, about an ounce,…

5.Explain to your partner what things you need to cook your favourite meal and what things you may do without. Be ready to translate the words in bold type.

E.g.: To make a cake you need some flour, two or three eggs (yolks shall be separated from whites), a glass of milk or of boiled water, a pinch of salt, five or six spoonfuls of sugar, some butter, some yeast to make the dough rise. You may also need some chocolate, some fruit and some whipped cream to adorn the cake. But you don’t need any mustard, any meat, any onions. You shall whip the whites, mix the sponge with the yolks, sugar and milk. Pour the dough into an oiled tin and bake the cake in a hot oven.


6. Read the text and say whether the narrator likes dining with her family. What details show that? Translate the words in bold type. Speak of you real or imaginary dinner, describe it so as to make your partners love it.

As mother takes the lids off the serving plates, I realize that I’m absolutely starving and it all seems divine – roast potatoes with garlic, roast chicken with coriander, and green beans with parsley. I breathe in the delicious scents. Mother passes me a plate heaped with chicken, and I greedily help myself to vegetables. We wish each other bon appetite and start chewing and swallowing the tasty things. The dinner is a tickle of a palate.


7. Translate the recipes:


1. Grilled seafood salad Prep Time: 25 minutes Cook Time: 6 minutes   2 tbsp.¹ chopped fresh parsley 2 tbsp. chopped fresh thyme 2 cloves garlic, mixed ½ cup fresh lemon juice 2 tbsp. olive oil 1 tsp. Dijon-style mustard ¾ lb.² large shrimp, peeled and deveined 1 cup imitation crabmeat* 4 cups mixed greens 1 cup shredded carrots 1 small cucumber, thinly sliced   ½ yellow bell pepper, seeded and sliced ½ red bell pepper, seeded and sliced   1. In small bowl combine parsley, thyme, garlic, lemon juice, oil, mustard, and black pepper to taste. Coat grill rack nonstick cooking spray. Preheat grill to medium (300ºF to 350ºF)³. 2. Grill shrimp and crabmeat, covered, 3-5 minutes per side or until shrimp turn pink or crab is lightly browned. Remove from grill; chop crabmeat. 3. Place greens in large serving bowl. Top with shrimp, crabmeat, carrots, cucumber and bell pepper. Drizzle with dressing and serve immediately.   Serves 4 Per Serving: 240 calories, 9 g fat, 1 g saturated fat, 165 mg cholesterol, 270 mg sodium, 13 g carbohydrate, 26 g protein, 3 g fiber, 3 g sugars, 1 g Omega-3 *Persons with a shellfish allergy may be allergic to imitation crabmeat     2. Овощной суп   Вам потребуется: вода – 2л. молоко – 0.5 л. лук репчатый – 3 головки репа – 3 шт. морковь – 1 шт. картофель – 4 шт. ветчина – 150 г. масло сливочное – 100 г. зелень петрушки – 10 г. мука – 1 ст. л. гренки – 20 г. соль, сахар   Овощи очистить от кожуры, мелко нарезать и поместить в кастрюлю, добавив масло, ветчину, измельчённую зелень петрушки.   Варить 10 мин., затем добавить ложку муки. Тщательно пeремешать.   Добавить 2 л бульона и 0.5 л подогретого молока, соль и сахар по вкусу. Бульон процедить и опять поставить на огонь.   Перед подачей добавить гренки.    


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