Студопедия — Clearance Delivery
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Clearance Delivery

A. Dialogue


Instructor: Student: Instructor: Student: Instructor: Student: Instructor: Student: Instructor: Student: Instructor: Student: Instructor: Student: Instructor: A release time is included in a clearance. It's the time when a flight can be accepted into the air traffic system. It could be the time the pilot requested in the flight plan, or there might be a delay due to air traffic. Once a flight is cleared and under way, the pilot adheres to the specified conditions of the clearance. Why is a clearance required? A clearance provides traffic separation as well as terrain and obstruction clearance. In addition, the information provided by the flight plan makes it easier to find a plane that is missing or has crashed. How does a pilot receive clearance? By radio? For the most part, yes. At larger airports, there may be a separate radio frequency used only for clearance delivery. What happens when there is no clearance delivery frequency at the airport? An FSS may issue the clearance. If no radio communication is available, ATC will use the telephone to contact the pilot. Does a pilot write down the clearance when it's received? Yes. There are several systems of shorthand that make it easier to write a clearance quickly and accurately. Does ATC always issue a clearance for the entire flight plan? Sometimes ATC may issue a clearance to a fix. This happens when the airways are very congested. An expect further clearance time (EFC) will also be included. What happens if the plane reaches the fix before receiving a clearance to proceed? The pilot flies in a holding pattern until clearance is received. Can a clearance be changed once the plane is airborne? Yes, that procedure is similar to filing a flight plan in the air.



B. Clearance Shorthand


after <
airport A
alternate instructions ()
before >
clearance void after V<
climb and maintain
cross X
cross airways
descend and maintain
expect approach clearance at (time) EAC (time)
expect further clearance time EFC
hold (direction) H (direction)
join or intercept airway ══
left turn LT
maintain M
range R
remain at or above restriction altitude ════
remain at or below restriction ______ altitude
report leaving RL
report passing RP
report reaching RR
right turn RT
takeoff direction T → (direction)
Air Traffic Control clears C
until /
while on airway =



C. Terminology Practice


clearance delivery:an ATC service that transmits flight clearances

The IFR clearance is transmitted by clearance delivery.

The copilot contacted clearance delivery.

Does this airport have a special frequency assigned to clearance delivery?

expect further clearance time (EFC):the time when an additional clearance will be issued

The aircraft is in a holding pattern with an EFC of 2143 Greenwich mean time.

When do you estimate our EFC?

Our EFC is 1654 Greenwich mean time.

fix:a geographical position determined by visual reference to one or more navigational aids

Notify ATC when we pass the next fix.

How do you calculate our present fix?

We must enter a holding pattern at the next fix.

holding pattern:the oval course flown by an aircraft awaiting clearance to land

How long will we remain in the holding pattern?

We can expect to leave the holding pattern in ten minutes.

The airport is very busy, so we'll have to fly in a holding pattern.

release time:the departure time issued by ATC

How long do we have to wait for the release time?

When the release time arrives, ATC will clear the aircraft for takeoff.

Your release time is 2134Z.



D. Check-Up


Match the terms on the left with the abbreviations on the right.



1. after a. LT
2. below b.
3. climb and maintain c. RR
4. cross airways d. M
5. expect further clearance time e.
6. left turn f. RL
7. maintain g. <
8. report leaving h. /
9. report reaching i. EFC
10. until j.



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