Студопедия — Ex. 2. Complete each sentence with one of the following words.
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Ex. 2. Complete each sentence with one of the following words.

install automation hands modifications genetic generate gadget scaffolding hinges productivity manual defective scrap congestion long-term overtake develop live  



1. The door squeaks. You should oil the ….

2. The builders put up … so they could clean the outside of the tower.

3. The … on the town-hall clock showed it was nearly midnight.

4. My car is so old that I could only sell it for ….

5. We’ll come and … your new central heating system on Monday.

6. I can’t make the computer work. Let’s read the … again.

7. When … is introduced, the number of workers will be reduced.

8. Do you like this new … I bought for peeling potatoes?

9. It is easy in some regions to … electricity in hydro-electric power stations.

10. The benefits of the microchip include the possibility of higher living standards through increased ….

11. It’s predicted by some people that in the future computers may … the intellectual capabilities of the human brain.

12. Part of any scientific effort to … new products includes an effort to prevent and control any hazards.

13. Some people are wary of the kind of genetic … being made to food nowadays.

14. The traffic … in town has been caused by people’s unwillingness to use buses.

15. Watch out – that wire might be … – don’t touch it.

16. Using chemical sprays on plants can lead to … problems.

17. If … genes are inherited, these may cause problems either in childhood or later on.

18. I believe that one day … engineering will be taken for granted by everyone.


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So you only have a pocket … to do additions, multiplications and so on, and you want to know about real …? Right. Well, the machines themselves are called the … and the programs that you feed into them are called the …. If you want to see the results of what you are doing, you’ll need a … or you’ll have to plug in to a television set. You’ll operate your machine like a typewriter by pressing keys on the …. If you want a record on paper of what you are doing, you’ll need a … and if you want a machine which will enable you to see, arrange, rearrange and then print a page of material, then the machine you want is a ….

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