Студопедия — Advertising Agency
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Advertising Agency

Advertising agency is an organization that creates advertising material on behalf of its clients. Agencies will take the advertising requirements … a business and organize the production … their campaign … designing and producing advertisements and booking space … the advertising media. … recent years they have grown … size and importance as expenditure … advertising … business has increased and as a wider range … organizations have used advertising.

(of (3), by (2), in (3), on)


Exercises in Comprehension


Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is advertising? What is its aim?

2. Who is advertising managed by?

3. What do large companies use advertising agencies for?

4. What is the account?

5. What do we call a statement of the clients objectives?

6. What does an advertising campaign consist of?

7. What do the most common types of advertising media include?

8. What steps are required to start an advertising campaign?

9. What is the aim of corporate advertising?

10. What do public relations experts do?


Ex.2. What do you understand by these terms?

target customers, account, budget, brief, brand image, public relations experts.


Ex.3. Sum up what you remember about:

a) product advertising

b) advertising agencies and an advertising campaign

c) the most common types of advertising

d) corporate advertising



Grammar Revision


Reported Speech. Statements   1. When you report what someone has said you often have to make certain changes to verb tenses and other words: a) When the reporting verb is in the past, you make the following tense changes: Present Simple ® Past Simple Present Continuous ® Past Continuous Past Simple ® Past Perfect Simple Past Continuous ® Past Perfect Continuous Present Perfect ® Past Perfect Simple Future ® Would must ® had to can ® could
b) Main changes of time indicators: today ® that day now ® then this ® that here ® there ago ® before /previously tomorrow ® the next day/the following day yesterday ® the day before/the previous day last night ® the night before/the previous night next week ® the following week/the week after (that)
2. There are occasions where you needn’t change the tense: s where facts are still true My name is Mary – She said her name’s Mary. s if the direct speech is in the past perfect or has the following modals: must (for deduction), might, ought to, could, should, would) s if the reporting verb is in the present I’ll be back in a minute. She says she’ll be back in a minute.

Ex.1. Match the direct speech word or phrase on the left with its reported speech equivalent on the right:

a. 10 weeks ago b. last night c. today d. these e. now f. tomorrow morning g. yesterday h. next month i. here j. tonight 1. that night 2. there 3. the following month 4. the day before 5. the next morning 6. then 7. those 8. that day 9. the night before 10. 10 weeks previously


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