Студопедия — Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
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Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).


UNIT 1: Everyday English and technical English.. 4

UNIT 2: My future Speciality. Job hunting.. 11

UNIT 3: Engineering/Machine-building.. 36

UNIT 4: Engineering materials and their properties. 52

UNIT 5: Metalworking and welding.. 69

UNIT 6: mechanical properties of materials. 86

UNIT 7: Machines and mechanisms. 95

UNIT 8: Machine-tools. 107

UNIT 9: automation.. 122

UNIT 10: Computers in engineering.. 137


UNIT 1: Everyday English and technical English

Word list:

to increase – зростати; збільшувати(ся); посилювати(ся) in order to – для того, щоб to dwell on (upon) – докладно зупинятися на чомусь a peculiarity – особливість; специфічність a reason – причина, привід, підстава to denote – позначати meaning – значення to appear – з’являтися to borrow – запозичувати origin – походження to cause – спричиняти, завдавати, викликати to contain – містити (мати) в собі; вміщувати frequency – частота; частотність to occur – траплятися frequently – часто rarely – рідко, нечасто impersonal – безособовий; що не стосується певної особи concise – стислий; короткий primarily – головним чином, першочергово to master – опановувати, оволодівати, вивчати to acquire a thorough knowledge– отримувати ґрунтовні знання

Exercises to the subject:

Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

The contacts between people increase and it is very important to study foreign languages nowadays.

English is native or the first language for the most population of Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Besides, there are many countries, former British colonies (India, Nigeria, Ghana), where English is not a native language, but the second language with the official status in education and administration, and for communication between speakers of other languages.

English is one of the five official languages of the United Nations Organization. It is the working language of the General Assembly and Security Council of the UNO.

In Ukraine, higher school students and postgraduates study English in order to use it in their future practical activity. As you are students of technical speciality, we’ll dwell on some peculiarities of technical English.

Many people consider technical English to be very difficult. There are a number of reasons why it is difficult. The first and the most important problem is the vocabulary. Scientists and technologists use many ordinary words to denote new technological meanings. With the development of science and technology new words appear in the languages, many new terms are borrowed from other languages. Each branch of science and technology has its own terminology. Many of them have Latin or Greek origin and are often international. Some technical words borrowed from everyday English (power, roll, stress, strain, etc.) often cause much greater difficulty than terminology. In addition toterms, a text on some special problem usually contains so-called learned words (approximate, feasible, initial etc).

Grammatical patterns and models are the same as in everyday English, but there is a difference in the frequency with which certain grammatical forms occur. The Passive Voice of verb forms, the constructions Subject and Complex Object are frequently used. The first person singular is not generally used. Simple tenses are rarely used.

The style of most scientific texts, besides being impersonal, is also very concise. It is so because the author-scientist is writing primarily for other scientists.

In order to master technical English the learner must acquire a thorough knowledge of everyday literary English with its grammar, vocabulary and rules of word formation. Then it will be easier for him to learn the peculiarities of technical English.

1. English is native for most countries of the world.

2. China is a former colony of Great Britain.

3. Students consider technical English to be very difficult.

4. Some technical words borrowed from everyday English cause much greater difficulty than terminology.

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