Студопедия — Article 45. Restriction of Freedom
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Article 45. Restriction of Freedom


1. Restriction of freedom shall consist in imposition on the person convicted by the court of certain duties which restrict his freedom and it shall be endured in the place of his residence under the supervision of the specialised body without isolation from the society for a period from one year up to five years. In the case of replacement of another punishment (engaging in public work or correctional labour) with restriction of freedom, it may be prescribed for a period less than one year.


The court when prescribing a punishment in the form of restriction of freedom shall impose upon the convict the performance of the following duties: not to change the permanent place of residence, work and training without a notice to the specialised authorities, not to visit certain places, during the time which is free of school and work not to leave the place of residence, not to depart for other areas without a permit from the specialised authority. The court may also impose upon a person sentenced to restriction of freedom, the performance of other duties which assist his correction: to undergo a course of medical treatment from alcoholism, drug addiction, toxicomania, sexually-transmitted diseases, to carry out material support of the family.


2. In the case of malicious evasion of endurance of punishment by a person sentenced to restriction of freedom, the court may replace the unserved term of restriction of freedom with a punishment in the form of deprivation of freedom for the same period. In that respect the period of enduring the restriction of freedom shall be reckoned towards the period of deprivation of freedom on the basis of one day of deprivation of freedom for one day of restriction of freedom.


3. Restriction of freedom shall not apply to the persons who have court sentences for the commission of a grave and especially grave crime, to military servicemen, as well as to persons who have no permanent place of residence.


4. During the period of enduring a sentence in the form of restriction of freedom, the court pursuant to the proposal of the body which carries out the supervision of the convict's behaviour, may fully or partially cancel the duties previously imposed upon the convict.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 477. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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