Студопедия — Task: read the text, translate it into Russian.
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Task: read the text, translate it into Russian.


Text A. “What's a crime?”

A crime is an offence against the whole of society; it is a wrongful act or omission, serious enough for the wrong-doer to be punished by the rest of the community. Criminal behaviour is seen as sufficiently serious or deviant or immoral for the majority of society to ban it. Of course, what may be outlawed one year may not have been the year before. Public opinion is not set for all time and legislation reflects changing habits and norms. Moreover, new forms of potentially criminal activity arise, and the courts respond to those too. Thus, definitions of what is to be regarded as criminal can change quite radically over years.

Criminal law in the widest sense covers a multitude of activities and sins – from murder, rape, arson, theft and damage of property to the less overtly criminal matters of careless motoring, selling unfit food or serving alcohol to a teenager. The principal areas of Criminal law are offences against persons and offences against property. Offences against persons can be fatal and nonfatal. The former deal with homicide (killing of a human being by a human being) which falls into three categories: murder (premeditated unlawful killing of another), manslaughter, infanticide. The latter covers such crimes as assault and battery, wounding and grievous bodily harm, sexual offences (rape and others), kidnapping.

Offences against property include theft, robbery, burglary, blackmail, arson, forgery and counterfeiting.

They distinguish a group of the so-called inchoate offences: aiding and abetting, incitement, conspiracy, attempt.

There are offences which effect the secrets of the state or international in character: piracy and hijacking, treason, terrorism.

There are a number of offences concerned with obstructing justice: perjury, assisting offenders, concealing, refusal to assist a police officer, contempt of court.

There are also road traffic offences.

As for the classification of crime the Criminal Law Act 1967 introduced the concept of "arrestable" and "non-arrestable" offences, thus abolishing the old distinction between felonies (serious crimes) and misdemeanours (minor offences).

An arrestable offence is one for which no specific arrest warrant is required; a police officer can arrest without a magistrate's warrant for a suspected crime carrying a maximum of five years' imprisonment or more or where the penalty is fixed by law as is the case of murder, treason and piracy with violence.

Otherwise, however, when an offence is a non-arrestable offence warrants are issued when the defendant has failed to answer a summons and the magistrates think it essential that he should be present at a hearing, summons is directed to a constable and orders him to arrest the person named in it and bring him before a court. It must contain particulars of the alleged offence.

Another way of classification is by the manner of trial. Criminal offences may be broadly divided into two main classes: indictable offences, and offences punishable on summary conviction before magistrates (summary offences). Indictable offences are tried by a jury. They therefore may be generally regarded as serious ones and summary cases as less serious or minor.

Two essential concepts in the operation of the Criminal Law are those of actus reus and mens rea.

Actus reus means the 'guilty action', mens reus – 'guilty mind'. In other words it must be shown that the accused has committed an act or omission which is criminal in nature. Secondly, it must be shown that he intended to commit an offence (though it may not always be a matter of deliberate intention – inattentiveness, recklessness or some other state of mind will suffice to constitute mens rea).

Thus actus reus is, approximately, the physical element of the crime, mens rea the mental element. A conviction cannot be secured unless it is shown that both factors were present.

It is for the prosecution to prove mens rea and actus reus beyond reasonable doubt1; the burden of proof2 lies upon the Crown.


1. beyond reasonable doubt – вне всяких сомнений

2. the burden of proof – бремя доказательства


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