Студопедия — Meals -
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Meals -

•Food without hospitality is medicine (Indian).

•Before cook in у one must have provisions (African;.

•Better a good dinner than a fine coat (French).

•After dinner sit awhile; after supper walk a mile (English).

•After dinner c»>fr,es reckoning (English).

•He that serves his dinner will have the more for supper (Enghsh).

•Many dishes make many diseases (English).

•Ihe taste ot the kitchen is better than the smeii (Engiishj.

•There is no making pancakes without breaking eggs (English).

•One (you) cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs (English).

•Quick at meals, quick at work (English).

•Live not to eat, but eat to live (French).

•A spoon is most valuable at dinner-time (Russian).


•Hunger is a good cook (African).

•Hunger finds no fault with the cooker>' (English).

•Hunger is the remedy for poor cooking (African).

•Hunger makes hard beans sweet (English).

•Hunger teaches many things {Greek).

•Hunger will make a monkey eat pepper (Haitian).

•If you ask hungr>' man how many are two and uvo, he replies Гої loaves (Hindustan).

•Of what use IS a flush on the face if the stomacii is empty {Indian).

•Happiness rarely keeps company with an empty stomach (Japanese

•Hunger IS a gocHl kitchen to a cold potato (Scoiuslit.

•Hunger breaks stone walls (English).

•A hungry monkey will not dance (Turkish).

•To die of hunger is worse than to bum to death I'Yifgoslov).

•Hunger drives the wolf out of the woods (English).

•It is the stomach which rules the man (American).

•When the stomach is empt>', so is the brain (Jlddish).

•A hungry belly has no ears (French).

•You cannot fill your belly by painting pictures of bread (Chinese).

Jane: Let's go out for dinner tonight. I forgot to take some­thing out of the freezer and it's been ages since we've been out.

Mike: Good idea. Where do you feel like going?

Jane: Oh, I don't know. How about the Golden Dragon?

Mike: No, let's forget about being health conscious today. I'm in the mood for something heavier than stir-fried meat and vegetables. There's a new Italian place some­body at work was raving about.

Jane: No, all that pasta and those rich sauces are too heavy for me — too many calories. Let's look in the Dining Guide in the newspaper... Hmm, this Japanese place has good reviews.

Mike: Nah, that raw fish we had last time wasn't bad, but...

Jane: This place is different. They cut up the food and cook it in front of you. It's supposed to be quite a show.

Mike: How about steak or roast beef?

Jane: They're eas>' enough to cook at home. Seafood?

Mike: Too fishy. Mexican food? ^лс/\\гцс>^

Jane: That S^cV food always gives me heartburn. Maybe some good onion soup?

Mike: Or pizza"r*

Jane: No. too ciose to junk food.

Mike: How about that German place in Main Street'? A good, hearty meat and potatoes dinner.

Jane: Here's something that sounds interesting — "Tiie Great Smorgasbord" — the} say they Jiave something for everyone.

Mike: Great, let's go.

t's been ages — it's be»"? long tirr^e itir-fried — fried quickly over iiigh heat wi;h con­stant stirring; method used in Oriental соокіпц;o rave about — to speak enthusiastically about ■ich sauces — sauces made with a lot of buncr

and cream [unk food — food with little nutritional value, par­ticularly potato chips, soft drinks, candy imorgasbord (or smorg) — {Swedish word) buf­fet offering a wide variety of dishes, hot and cold.

Restaurants І

1. All the food in this little restaurant is ІД. - -i

a) handmade b) home-based!

c) home-made d) self-made

2.____ By the time we got to the town, all the restaurant».

c) shut d) stopped

J. The ^ at that new restaurant is excellent
a) anenrion b) attending

c) care d) service

4.________ The food they serve here is excellent because they
have a fine ^.

a) chef b) cooker

c) headwaiter d) stove

5. Can I see the manager? I wish to VX- about
the terrible food I've been served.

a) complain b) criticise

c) disapprove, d) inquire

6. Drop in for a Ч, to eat!

a) bit b)bite

c)nip • 'j ^,v Ч'- d)sip

7.___________ Mr. Brown invited his guests to an expensive res­
taurant. However, he felt at ease.. л (j««*

a) ill b) painful -L UJlL W ^

c)sick d) unwell '^VotV*'^

8. He is У'" to think that he is the only person who
knows ever>thing about good food.

a) apt b) impressed

,y^;<^)^3rej^diced d) subjected

9. LobsterSs an expensive \; in most restau­

a) chaser b) delicacy

cj!b\our d) spice

10. My uncle \\^ guests to dinner almost everj'

a) amuses b) claims

c) greets d) has

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 467. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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