Студопедия — Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
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Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

The term Internet refers to the global network of public computers running Internet Protocol. In other words, the Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks that allows users to send and receive information from other computers. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world and using this tool brings both good and bad things.


ð Read the sentences on the worksheet presented by your teacher and write them in the correct column:


ðTalking to strangers on chat rooms.

ð It can help children with their homework.

ð It provides online shopping.

ð A source of education for students.

ðNegative effects on family communication.

ðFinding out old friends through social network sites.

ðProvides e-commerce facilities.

ð Cyber bullying.


ðHelpful to people of all ages

ð Chat rooms, songs, movies and other entertainment.

ð Online classes for students (e-learning).

ð If you shop online, your credit card number can be copied and used.

ðAnti-social behaviour.

ð Spanning and viruses threat. (Spanners often enter chat rooms and post links to obscene websites. These links can often lead to porn, Internet scams, or

even put a virus or spyware on your computer.0

ð Provides a vast library of knowledge and information.

ðHackers can steal sensitive information and other people’s identity.

ð People can connect and interact with others quickly and cheaply.

ð It helps to promote businesses.

ð It can distract children from homework and adults from office work.

ð Chatting online without adult supervision can be dangerous for

young children.

ð Internet addiction.


Exercise 2. Find the meaning of the words:

1. webpage a) one of the units in which information is organized on

a website;

2. website b) a collection of web pages at the same web address;

3. online c) when you are connected to other computers through the Internet;

4. click of a mouse d) an act of pressing a button on a mouse;

5. chat room e) a place where you can have a conversation while

you are online;

6. the Internet f) a computer system that allows people

to exchange information;

7. homepage g) the first page of a website;

8. keyword h) a word that you type in order to find webstes

about that topic;

9. search engine i) a computer programme that help you find

information on the Internet;

10. download j) to move information from a computer network

to a small computer.


Exercise 3. Read four parts of the text and choose the right heading for each part:


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