Студопедия — III. Japanese managing styles.
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III. Japanese managing styles.

• In Japanese corporations everyone is trained to be a generalist, as opposed to a “ narrow specialist ” in the USA.

• People are rotated in every department of the company and transferred to other departments to familiarize themselves with the entire company, and can therefore take over several different duties.

• Decisions are made by all employees, and not just by one top executive as in the USA.

• Management consensus is very common.

• Informal get-togethers (at lunch, coffee breaks) allow the participants to develop a better understanding of the subject and then bring to successful negotiations with the partner.



5 WRITE A MEMO (MEMORANDUM) based on Listening task, (SB: page 52)


a). Listen to Ms Morivake, a Japanese consultant discussing the content of her seminars on successful management. While listening make notes after the plan of SB page 52. You will find the model for writing a memo at the reference section at the end of the brochure.

b). Write a memo of 100 – 150 words based on your notes. Turn to Reference section before writing.


Situation: Vincent Mills, Human Resources Manager recommends the Heads of Department to attend the seminar He does it by writing a MEMO. The memo is usually short, informative and semi-formal,close to the style of E-mail.


Key for writing:

To: HDs

From: …

Subject: Seminars on…

Date: …


Introduction. Announce the event, name and position of the speaker, subject of the seminar. Tell why you want the HDs to attend.

The body of the MEMO: Give brief comments on each item of the plan

• Emphasis on the group. (à See next page)

• Human relations.

• Specific features of Japanese management à See next page


Motivate attendance. Give reasons why the information will be of use for the HDs

Inform about: time and place arrangements. Mention coffee break and the opportunity for informal chattering with the guest

Close the memo with the phrase: If you have any questions, please, contact my secretary Ms Chase on 01 793 - 39.

Sign with initials of the sender. (VM)



5. ROLE-PLAY. (SB page 53)

A cross- cultural consultant and a person going to a foreign country on a business trip discuss the cross-cultural issues, which might be important for doing successful business.

In pairs: discuss the following issues:

Use of language: addressing / greeting (formal? informal?)

Non-verbal communication: handshaking, gestures?

Business negotiations: punctuality / respecting the agenda?

Negotiating styles: direct? Indirect? When is the right moment to mention money?

Socializing: attitudes: gift giving, eating, humor? Conversation topics: (religion, politics, salaries?)

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