Студопедия — THE USE
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The Present Indefinite The Present Continuous
1) It denotes customary, repeated actions. This is its most characteristic use.   Tom and Ann often walk here.   How does the kid behave? This book is very popular: all the students read it.   The repeated character of the action is shown by such adverbs as usually, often, always, every… 1)It denotes an action going on at the present moment or at the present period of time.   Tom and Ann are walking.   How is the kid behaving now? The library has no this book: all the students are readingit.
2) Actions and states characterizing a given person.   She has a talent: she sings well.   2) A continual process. (with the adverbs always, constantly, ever)… The earth isalwaysmoving.
3) Universal truths, something which is eternally true.   Magnet attracts iron. The earth rotates round its axis.   3) An action thought of as a continual process with an element of exaggeration, called forth by emotion. But it’s not literally true. The action can’t go on without interval in this case.   She is always grumbling.
4) Actions going on at the present moment (with verbs not used in the Continuous form.)   I seeTom in the street. Do you hear the noise? 4) Two actions: one of them is in progress, another one is a habitual action.   I never talk while I’m painting.  


The Present Indefinite The Present Continuous
5) A future action in adverbial clauses of time and condition after the conjunctions if, when, as soon as, after, before, till, until, while, unless, on condition that, provided: · If it rainsI’ll stay at home. · If it doesn’t rain, I’ll walk = Unless it rains, I’ll walk. Если не будет дождя, я пойду гулять. (unless = если не)   · Come before it gets dark. · Wait tillthe director comes. · He’ll call you after he has lunch. · Whileyou sleep I’ll cook dinner. · When summer comes I’ll leave abroad. · Call us as soon as you are ready. 5)Note1: The Present Indefinite, not the Present Continuous, is used to denote actions, going on at the present moment when the fact is more important than the process. Why don’tyoulistento me? Why doyoulook atme this way? He did a mean thing! Why doyoudefendhim?
Note2:The Present Continuous of the verb to be + an adjective is used to denote a certain trait of character peculiar to a person at a given moment but not typical of him. It’s used only when we speak about someone’s behavior:   The boss is being so angry today. It’s not usually like him.
6) A future action which is regarded as something fixed. The action doesn’t depend on us. It takes place every day according to the definite timetable (public transport, cinemas, etc.) or plan, so it is sure to take place in the future without changes. What time doesthe train leave? It leaves at 7.30 p.m. 6) A future action which is regarded as something fixed. The action depends on us. We have arranged or planned it in advance, and we let everybody know, that we are not going to change our plans for the nearest future. What are you doing tonight? We are going to the cinema.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 424. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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