Студопедия — Exercise 6. Choose the most appropriate answer for expressing the idea specified in parentheses.
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Exercise 6. Choose the most appropriate answer for expressing the idea specified in parentheses.

1. Whose book is this? - I am not sure. It …. be Anna's. (Possibility)

A) might; B) must; C) is able to; D) is allowed to.

2. You …. leave work at 3:30 today. (Permission)

A) can; B) could; C) might; D) will.

3. Though he was ill and weak, he ….. get out of the burning building. (Ability)

A) could; B) might; C) should; D) was able to.

4. You ….. disturb him during his work! (Prohibition)

A) could not; B) don't have to; C) must not; D) may

5. Whose car is this? - It ….. be Anton's. I think I saw him driving a red car like this one. (Strong probability)

A) might; B) could; C) must; D) can’t.

6. I don't believe it. It ….. be true. (Impossibility)

A) can't; B) mustn't; C) shouldn't; D) wouldn't.

Exercise 7. Choose one of the modal verbs in brackets:

1. They (may/must) be away for the weekend but I am not sure. 2. He (can/could) be German, judging by his accent. 3. With luck, tomorrow (could\can) be a sunny day. 4. You (can/might) be right but I’m going to check it anyway. 5. Kate says he is from the States but I think he (can’t/might) be from Scandinavia. 6. This (must/could) be the right answer but let’s check it with the teacher. 7. She (can’t/couldn’t) steal these things from shop. She is from the family of means. 8. Nick has been revising 12 hours a day for three weeks. He (can/must) be exhausted. 9. He (can’t/may) be from Spain. He doesn’t speak Spanish. 10. Nobody’s answering. They (can’t/must) be out.


Exercise 8. Put the correct modal verb in its correct form combined with the verb in brackets to make deductions:

1. I'm not really sure where Beverly is. She (sit) in the living room, or perhaps she's in the backyard. 2. Dan (to return) the video we rented on his way to work. It was on the table, but now it's gone. 3. The computer isn't working. It (to damage) during production. 4. You (to mean) that! 5. If Debbie hasn't come home yet, she (to wait) for us in the coffee shop. 6. If I had gone with my friends to Jamaica, I (to take) scuba diving lessons. 7. It (to be) Sam who called and didn't leave a message on the answering machine. He said he wanted to get together with us this weekend. 8. The machine (to turn) on by flipping this switch. 9. She (to cry). That (to be) why her eyes were so red and swollen. 10. If she was crying, she (to be upset) very upset. 11. That painting (to paint) by Picasso. It could be a forgery. 12. Your diving equipment (to clean) regularly if you want to keep it in good condition. 13. If I hadn't taken a taxi, I (to wait) for you at the train station for hours. 14. Ted's flight from Japan took more than 11 hours. He (to be) exhausted after such a long flight. 15. Hiking the trail to the peak (to be) dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather changes. 16. When you have a small child in the house, you shouldn’t leave small objects lying around. Such objects (to swallow), causing serious injury or even death. 17. − you (to hold) your breath for more than a minute? − No, I can't. 18. Anna’s engagement ring is enormous! It (to cost) a fortune. 19. I (to speak) Arabic fluently when I was a child. Now, I (to say) just a few things in the language. 20. No! Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table. He (to leave) it here last night. 21. (to borrow) I your lighter for a minute? 22. I (to believe) she said that to Megan! 23. I was reading the book last night before I went to bed. I never took it out of this room. It (to lie) around here somewhere. Where can it be? 24. There are five milk bottles on their front door step. They (to forget) to cancel their milk deliveries. 25. His coat is on the floor. He (to drop) it.


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