Студопедия — Exercise 5. State the meaning of the modal verbto be to in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Rus­sian.
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Exercise 5. State the meaning of the modal verbto be to in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Rus­sian.

1. I suppose you have been telling our young friend, Gerald, what his new duties are to be, and giving him a great deal of good advice. 2. "First," I said, "if I am to marry you, I would like to be sure that my brother is provided for." 3. Basil got up. "You’d better give the cheque to your brother at once. Say that I don't wish to see him." "Isn't he to come here any more, Basil?" 4. The next day, just before the family was to leave for the railroad station, Eliza­beth Noble called her son into the kitchen. 5. "You're going to sit next to Basil," answered Miss Ley "Frank Hurell is to take you down." 6. It was t«, be hoped that Julius would arrive better provided' 7. Give her orders: that's enough for her. Eli­za, you are to live for the next six months, learning how to speak beautifully. 8. Miss Ley was wait­ing in the hall, and very quietly the two women walked to the church where the marriage was to take place. 9. On the next day they were going to Cornwall together for their usual midsummer holiday. They were to be accompanied... by a third girl — a minor friend of Louisa, a slight acquaintance of Helena. 10. As I was to find out, as long as she was fed: and admired and taken to interesting places, she asked no questions. 11. No one said a word. How was I to know that I was going to meet a raging beauty? 12. I asked who was to be my partner. 13. The man: "I haven't closed my eyes for forty-eight hours." Raina: "But what am I to do with you? You see, sleep or no sleep, you can always do a thing when you know it must be done." 14. Mr. Mark Twain, who was to make such a blighting speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last time, didn't come in time. 15. She was wearing her gold-coloured frock for, having been displayed at the dinner-party, a soi­ree, and a dance, it was now to be worn at home. 16. How much would Mr. Blount pay? If he doesn't make an offer, how am I to know whether it would pay us to accept it or not?

Exercise 6. Use the proper form of the infinitive in brack­ets after the modal verb to be to.

1. Charlie was still at large and he — Raina — was (to take) back to hospital in a police car. 2. Lora Hlingworth: "What letter is this?" Mrs. Arbuthnot:' You are not (to open) it. I forbid you to open it. It was not (to send). 3. "Oh, come on, you girls," said the boy. "And mind — you're not (to look) at your cards. You've got to keep your hands under the table till I say 'Go'." 4. Once Althea was his wife she would have to give in. And they were (to marry) tomorrow. Well, if she could fight, he could fight too. 5. She and Carton were (to meet) there, they both had an order to view the same house, and if they took such elaborate precautions to make their meet­ing appear accidental they have must suspected they were followed. 6. My dear Catherine, I tell you I've looked there. Am I (to believe) my own eyes or not?' 7. He was also (to see) seated on a throne-like gilt chair in a stone hall lit by candela­bra. 8. It was the first confirmation Poirot had that Clara's belief was (to depend) upon. 9. Mrs. Gerhardt was (to hear) immediately what hap­pened. 10. Dr. Donaldson was (to dine) with them that night. 11. "I am (to have) the privilege of sitting next to you," he said. 12. "I don't know exactly where Charles is (to find)," he said. 13. No word had reached Basil that proceedings were (to take) and his first knowledge of the affair came with the morning paper and his eggs and bacon. 14. This entirely agreed with Reggie's ideas, and since he was not (to pay) the bill, he took care to order, the champagne he liked best. 15. Raina: "You want one to save you, don't you?" The Man: "But how is it (to do)?" 16. Am I (to understand) that my proposal was not worthy of your con­sideration? 17. But how was I (to guess) the wretched thing would blow up this way? 18. I want to know on what terms this girl is (to be) here. Is she (to have) any wages? And what is (to become) of her when you've finished your teaching? You must look ahead a little. 19. "I thought I was (to give) some fish for supper, Nora?" — "Harry, I meant to give you same but I was prevented from going out."

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