Студопедия — General questions.
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General questions.



you you you

Do we come from Russia? Yes, we do. / No, we don’t.

they they they


Does (he / she) go to university? Yes, (he / she) does. / No, (he / she) doesn't.

Does it cost_ much? Yes, it does./No, it doesn’t.


Exercise 6. Add do or does to make general questions and do, don't, does or doesn't to give short answers.

Example: --------- she live with her parents? — Yes, she-----.

Does she live with her parents? — Yes, she does.

------- you like your job? — No, I ------. ___

Do you like your job? — No, I don't.

1. ___I speak good Italian? — Yes, you ___.

2. ___You drive to work? — No, I ___.

3. ___they work hard at university? — Yes, they ___.

4. ___Alan smoke? — No, he ___.

5. ___Patrick like computer games and cartoons? Yes, he ___.

6. ___children usually eat much ice-cream? Yes, they ___.

7. ___ you take exams every month? - No, we ___.


Exercise 7. Make these sentences into general questions.

  1. The shop closes at 5 o'clock.
  2. They have parties every weekend.
  3. She speaks good English.
  4. You drink a lot of tea.
  5. They go shopping on Saturdays.


Exercise 8. Rewrite each sentence as positive, negative, or a general question, according to the instructions.

Example: I visit my parents very often. (negative) — I don't visit my parents very often.

Does he go to school every day? (positive) — He goes to school every day.

She comes from Italy. (question) — Does she come from Italy?

  1. Helen's husband drives her to work. (question)
  2. They watch television every night. (negative)
  3. He doesn't walk to work every day. (positive)
  4. Does he live in this street? (positive)
  5. Denny and his cousin go to the cinema on Fridays. (question)

6. His elder brother works in a fast food restaurant. (negative)

Alternative questions


Do we like tea or coffee? Coffee.




Does he / she get up late or early? (He gets up) early.

Does it travel fast or slowly? (It travels) fast.


Exercise 9. Ask alternative questions with the following words. Give answers.

Example: She (get up) early/late? — Does she get up late or early? — She gets up early.

  1. He (go) to work by bus /by train?
  2. Classes (start) in the morning /in the afternoon?
  3. His mother (work) as a bank manager/ as an economist?
  4. Jacky (like) classical music/ jazz?
  5. The shop (close) at 5 /at 6 p.m.?
  6. His friends (watch) television/ go out in the evenings?

7. You (play) the guitar/ the piano?

Tag questions

I I? — Yes, I do./ No, I don't.

We live in Russia, don’t we? — Yes, we do./ No, we don't.

You you? — Yes, you do./ No, you don't.

They they? — Yes, they do./ No, they don't.


He / She likes poetry, doesn’t he/ she? — Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t.

It costs much, doesn’t it? — Yes, it does./ No, it doesn't.


I I? — No, I don’t. / Yes, I do.

You you? — No, you don't./ Yes, you do.

We don’t speak Italian, do we? — No, we don't Yes, we do.

They they? — No, they don't. / Yes, they do.


He/she doesn’t work in an office, does he/she? — No, he/she doesn't. / Yes, he/she does.

It doesn’t rain in winter, does it? — No, it doesn't. / Yes, it does.


Exercise 10. Give the correct tag to these sentences.

  1. She doesn't live in London, ___?
  2. I don't write to my penfriend very often, ___?
  3. Emma works in a sports shop, ___?
  4. Her elder brother doesn't play the violin, ___?
  5. They go dancing on Saturdays, ___?
  6. It snows a lot in this part of the country, ___?
  7. They don't stay at home most evenings, ___?

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