Студопедия — State Verbs
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State Verbs

Grammar Notes

1. The present progressive describes what is happening right now or in the extended present. The simple present tense describes what generally happens (but not necessarily right now).

Traffic is moving slowly today.

Traffic moves slowly every holiday.


2. Non-action verbs (also called stative verbs) usually describe states or situations but not actions. Non-action verbs are not usually used in the present progressive even when they describe a situation that exists at the moment of speaking.

I want to leave now. (not I'm wanting to leave now.)

3. Non-action verbs do the following:

a.express emotions (hate, like, love, want)

Mike wants to leave risht now.

b.describe perception and the senses (hear, see, smell, taste, feel, notice)

She feels impatient in traffic.

c.describe mental states (know, remember,believe, suppose, think [believe], understand)

I don't understand why this traffic is so bad.

d.show possession (have, own, possess, belong)

I have a headache. Do you have any aspirin?

e.describe appearance (seem, be, appear, sound, look [seem])

Traffic looks bad. It's not moving at all.

4. Be careful! Some verbs can have both a non-action and an action meaning.

The soup tastes good. Try some.

She's tasting the soup to see if it needs more salt.

State Verbs

State verbs are verbs which do not normally have continuous tenses because they describe a state rather than an action. These include:

verbs expressing likes and dislikes:like, love, hate, dislike, can't stand, don't mind, prefer, enjoy, etc.

Thomas likes jazz music.

Note: Verbs expressing likes/dislikes take a noun or an -ing form after them.

She can't stand cats.

He loves playing basketball.

verbs of perception:believe, know, notice, remember, forget, understand, think, etc.

/ don't understand the meaning of that word.

verbs of the senses:see, hear, feel, taste, look, smell, sound. We often use can or could with these verbs

when we refer to what we see, hear, etc., at the moment of speaking.

The cake tastes delicious.

I can hear children's voices coming from the playground.

some other verbs:fit, contain, need, belong, cost, owe, mean, own, appear, want, have (= possess), etc.

This dress is very expensive. It costs £250.

Some state verbs have continuous tenses, but there is a difference in meaning.

1) / think she needs help. (= I believe...)

I'm thinking about buying a new car. (= I'm considering...)

2) This pasta tastes delicious! (= This pasta has a delicious flavour.) He's tasting the pasta. {- He's testing the flavour of...)

3) / can see a light in the distance. (= I can actually see...) I'm seeing Tom this evening. (= I'm meeting...)

4) George looks very tired. (= George appears to be ...) John is looking at an old map. (~ John is studying...)

5) The kitchen always smells of freshly baked bread. (= The kitchen always has the smell of...) Why is the lady smelling the perfume? (= Why is the lady sniffing...)

6) This material feels soft. (= This material has a soft texture...)

A: Why are you feeling Sam's forehead? (= Why are you touching...) B: Because I think he's got a temperature.

7) She has a beautiful old house. (= She owns/possesses...) We are having dinner. (= We are eating...)

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