Студопедия — OBLIQUE MOODS
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The Conditional Mood is formed with should/ would + infinitive should/would do/be doing(for present actions) should/would have done/ have been doing (for past actions) Subjunctive II coincides in form with past tenses of the Indicative mood: were/ did/ was doing/ was done (for simultaneous – одночасних з головною дією) had been/ had done/ had been doing/ had been done (for prior actions - попередніх)
actions are unreal because of the absence of necessary conditions unreal actions
Usage: (only in conditionals) 1.In simple sentences of implied condition: In your place I would take a taxi. But for my friends I would have felt lonely. (Якби не мої друзі, я б почувалась самотньо.) 2.In compound sentences of implied condition: I was busy, otherwise (or else) I would have come. (… а інакше я б прийшов.) 3.In main clauses of complex sentences with adverbial clausesof a) condition (Якби …) If I were you, 1 would buy a car. I would have bought a car if I had taken a loan, b) concession (Навіть якби … Even if I had a car I wouldn’t drive to work. I wouldn’t have bought a car even if I had been given a loan. Usage: 1. In simple sentences expressing - unreal wish (Якби ж то…): If only I had more free time. - advice (Краще б ти …): You had better not go alone. - preference (Я б воліла …): I would rather stay at home now/ have stayed at home yesterday. 2. In subordinate clauses of complex sent-s: - in subject sub. clauses (Час вже …) It's time you earned your living. - in object sub. clauses (Шкода ……) I wish you earned your living. - in predicative sub. clauses a) I would rather you didn’t go alone b) You look as if you had seen a ghost. - in adverbial clauses of a) manner/ comparison: He looked at me as if I were a ghost. b)condition: If I were you, I would buy a car. Ifthey were sleeping, we couldn’t be watching TV. c) concession: Even if I had bought a car, I wouldn't drive it
The Suppositional Mood (BE) Subjunctive I (American English)
is formed with should + infinitive should do / not do/ be Coincides in form with the bare infinitive: do/ not do/ be
actions need to be done or are desirable, important, essential, fair, suggested, advised, required
Usage: In subordinate clauses of complex sentences: 1.In subjectsubordinate clauses: It's necessary that everyone (should) be present at the meeting. The adjectives to use: important, necessary, urgent, desirable, essential, crucial, vital, imperative, appropriate, etc.The past participles to use: suggested, requested, required, ordered, advised, agreed, arranged, etc. 2.In object subordinate clauses: a) He feels it necessary that everyone (should) be present at the meeting. b) My parents are anxious/ determined that I should get a good education. c) He suggested that everyone (should) be present at the meeting. The verbs to use in the main clause: suggest, propose, insist, demand, agree, arrange, urge, advise, ask, beg, order, warn, recommend, instruct, intend, request, require, stipulate. 3.In predicative subordinate clauses: His suggestion was that everyone (should) be present at the meeting. 4.In attributive subordinate clauses: He put forward a suggestion that everyone (should) be present at the meeting. 5.In negative adverbial clauses of purpose: Write down the date so that you (should) not forget about the meeting lest you (should) forget about the meeting. 6.In object subordinate clauses introduced by conjunction lestafter expressions of fear: I'm afraid lestI (should) fail my exams. Subjunctive Iis also used in set expressions: Manners be hanged. God bless you! Be yours a happy marriage! Watch out! Don’t confuse the Suppositional mood and modal verb ‘should’ a) advice:As a modal verb ‘should’ is used in simple sentences or main clauses of complex sentences. The Suppositional Mood is used only in subordinate cl. You should (M.V.) relax. = Тобі варто відпочити. It’s important that you should relax (SM)= Важливо, щоб ти відпочив. b) emotional ‘should’:We use the modal verb ‘should’ in ‘that-clauses’ to add emotional colouring and the Sup. M. for actions which need to be done. It’s outrageous that they should (MV) be late. = Це обурює, що вони …. It’s important that everybody should be (SM) in time. = Важливо, щоб всі були

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 451. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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