Студопедия — Programmes using updated versions.
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Programmes using updated versions.

Virus protection:

- Every computer user should possess updated anti-virus programmes.

- The Booting CD should be virus free.

The most famous Anti - Virus programmes to detect viruses are:

* Norton

* Mcafee

Some Viruses names:

1- Michel Anglo Virus

2- Israeli Virus.

3- The extended Ball Virus

4- Birthday Card Virus.

5- Char noble Virus

6- Nighthorse virus

7- The middle Night Virus


Organic Virus definition:

The organic virus is the virus that can infect man and has the ability to

move, spread and reproduce.

Computer virus definition:

It is a little programme that has the ability to reproduce, spread and it

contains a number of orders that destroy or delete the programmes or the

data found in the computer.

Reasons for the appearance of computer Viruses:

1- Protecting the original programmes from copying by users in an

unauthorized way.

2- For trade, as some companies specialized in producing anti- virus


3- The anti-virus programmes show the extent of intelligence of the

programme designers.

Virus properties:

Dormant- reproducing - moving- putting marks and signs

to carry out its own destructive orders.-

Places that the virus attacks:

Executing Files, System Files and Data files

Virus Symptoms:

1- The computer shuts down without reason.

2- The increase or decrease in the size of files without a clear reason.

3- Strange letters appeared on pressing the keyboard.

4- The appearance of some strange figures or signs.

5- The computer slows down in a noticeable way.

The causes that help in virus spreading:

1- All types of media storing.

- Hard disks - CDs and the Flash Memory

2- Dealing with the internet

- Downloading files.

- Receiving e-mails.

Viruses and ways of protection:

1-Taking special precautions for protection against virus.

2- Using detecting virus programmes.

3- Remove the virus quickly and make a virus scan regularly.

Special precautions for virus prevention: (Prevention is better than cure)

Use original copies for programmes. -

Make extra copies from the orignal programmes.

Watch the files and their expansion from now and then.

Watch the executive files.

Use anti-virus programmes to detect and delete the viruses.

Virus detecting programmes:

They are the programmes used to scan the computer (programmes- files data-

storing media available on the set) They have the ability to detect the

viruses if they are found.

Protection against virus

Every computer user should look for updated programmes to detect viruses.

The booting CD should be virus free.


Choose the correct answer:

1-Viruses are………….. that have the ability of reproduction and

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