Студопедия — Your Taste in Literature
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Your Taste in Literature

1. What are the books everybody should read as a child? 2. What were the books that helped you to form your taste in books? 3. Do you like to read science-fiction*? 4. Why did science-fiction appear only in the 20th century? Would you call books by Alexander Beliaev, Jules Verne, Herbert Wells science-fiction? 5. What are Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, George Simenon famous for? 6. What is your favour­ite reading? 7. What authors would you read for pleasure? for infor­mation?


Ex. 36. Answer the questions and retell the passage in narrative form, using the vocabulary of the lesson.

'Me — I am not an Englishman,' said Hercule Poirot. 'In my coun­try Christmas, it is for the children. The New Year, that is what we celebrate.'

'Ah,' said Mr. Jesmond, 'but Christmas in England is a great event, not an ordinary holiday. At Kings Lacey you would see it at its best, and it occurred to me that you might be interested. It's a wonderful old house, you know. Why, it dates from the fourteenth century.'

The very thought of a fourteenth century English house filled Poi­rot with fear. He looked round at his comfortable modern flat with its radiators.

'It's the cold. In the winter,' he said firmly, 'I do not leave the city.'

But it was a matter of state importance and Mr. Jesmond wasn't to be put off so easily. He badly needed practical help from the famous detective and so he began once more to talk about the delights of an English Christmas.

'It's up to you, of course,' he went on, 'but the real old-fashioned Christmas is dying out, you know. People spend it at hotels nowadays. But an English Christmas with all the family at home, the children and their stockings, the Christmas tree, the turkey and plum pudding, the snowman outside the window...' He suddenly broke off. 'You will go to Kings Lacey, M. Poirot? Can I take it that is settled?'

'And how do I explain myself there? I can't just turn up,' said Her­cule Poirot.

'That, I think, can be arranged very easily. I have friends,' Mr. Jesmond said. 'It will all seem quite natural. You will find the Laceys most charming. Delightful company.'

'And you spoke the truth about the central heating?'

'Of course, I did,' Mr. Jesmond sounded hurt. 'You will find every comfort there.'

(After "The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding" by Agatha Christie)

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 729. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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