Студопедия — EXERCISES IN LEXICOLOGY. Ex. 7. Paraphrase the following sentences using the prefix "over" with the word in bold type
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EXERCISES IN LEXICOLOGY. Ex. 7. Paraphrase the following sentences using the prefix "over" with the word in bold type

Ex. 7. Paraphrase the following sentences using the prefix "over" with the word in bold type. Make other necessary changes.

M o d e l: The bus was too crowded for us to get in.

The bus was overcrowded and we couldn't get in.

1. His joy was too great for words. 2. When doing something you should know where to stop. 3. It seems to me that the price you paid for the repairs is too high. 4. He shouldn't eat so much, it's bad for his health. 5. He lost balance and the boat turned over. 6. Do they pay for the time spent in working after the regular hours? 7. You should take care of him, he works too hard. 8. She dresses too loudly for my taste. 9. If the production of goods is more than is needed to satisfy de­mand then it often leads to economic troubles. 10. The boy slept too long and was late for classes.


Ex. 8. Paraphrase the following sentences using a noun with the suf­fix "-ing" instead of a verb. Make other necessary changes.

1. What does the word "sign" mean? 2. I warned him but he paid no attention. 3. I can't stand when people suffer. 4. It was very diffi­cult to describe what he felt at the moment. 5. How long did it take you to pack the things?


Ex. 9. Paraphrase the following sentences using a verb instead of a noun. Make other necessary changes.

1. He was at the head of the expedition. 2. She ran her eyes over the boy with suspicion. 3. He held out his hand to help her out of the bus. 4. They stood face to face. 5. There was a large crowd on the plat­form and he had to push his way to his car with his elbows. 6. She has an annoying habit of going about and pushing her nose into other peo­ple's business.


Ex. 10. Give words of the same root in Russian. Compare the meaning.

assistant, medical, galvanic, battery, melodramatic, scalp, pulse, respectable, reflex, automatic, effect, symptom, extraordinary.


Ex. 11. Replace the words in bold type, using a suitable phrasal verb from the list. Translate the sentences into Russian. Give your own examples.

L I s t: to go off; to set off; to keep off; to take off; to put off; to ring off; to cut off; to break off;

1. She put down the receiver before I could inquire for her name. 2. You had better be careful with that gun, or it may shoot. 3. An unex­pected development of events made us postpone the trip. 4. The sign warned the passers-by not to walk on the freshly-cut grass. 5. They stop­ped talking rather suddenly when I entered the room. 6. The first group of climbers started on their journey at sunrise. 7. We were interrupted in the middle of our telephone conversation. 8. He removed his muddy boots and put on a pair of slippers.


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