Студопедия — Past Story
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Past Story

1) Past Simple We use PS when we talk about completed action in the past in general

# I met with my friends yesterday. He moved in 1932.

2) Used to We use used to when we talk about habits and long-lasting situations which now are different or finished. # I used to dance like a ballerina [ˌbælə'riːnə].

3) Present Perfect 1) Result (when the past is connected with the present) # I’ve broken my finger. – I can’t write

2) News (when we announce a happening or news) # He has bought a car!

3) With markers already, just, yet, never, ever, always, all my life (for a long time),

so far, recently/lately # I haven’t done my homework so far

4) With uncompleted markers. In my life, today… # I have done many useful things today.

NB1 When we give many details we use Past Simple. (3 and more) # Today I met Tom, phoned Jim, lost my memory

NB2 When, What time - NO Present Perfect. #What time did you wake up today?

NB3 When we ask additional questions we use Past Simple. # I’ve burnt myself! - How did you do it?

Present Perfect Continuous1) We use PPC when we talk about the action which began in the Past and has just stopped. 2) We use PPC w w t a t a which began in the past and is still happening now. for, since, How long?

# I’ve been studying English for 2 years. NB We don’tuse some verbs in PPC (like, see, to be, know.)

5) Past Continuous We use PC when we talk about the action which was happening at a certain period of time in the past. # He was cooking yesterday when she came.

6) Past Perfect We use PP when we talk about the action which had happened before another action in the past or by the certain time in the past. We also use Past Perfect in Reported Speech.

# When she came he had already eaten.

7) Past Perfect Continuous We use PPC when the action had been happening for a certain period of time before another action in the past. We also use PPC in Reported Speech.

# I had been reading for 3 hours before she came

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w y a i t world Wherever you are in the world you can always get access['ækses]to the Internet or find a text that you are interested innot only becauseit will provide you withwords and structures you are likely to need but also with motivation to actively study. When you read a text you should look out for words and phrases that you can use in your own English later. It’s a good idea to carry a smallnotebook so that you can write down any examples that might be useful. The first time you read a text it's usuallybest not to stop when you see some unknown word. You have to understand the general meaning of the text. When you have finished reading you should go over the bits you are not sure about. If the problem is an unknown word, look it up in a dictionary. However you must promise yourself that you will open and use this notebook at least once a week because the real key to learning English is to practise, practise, practise!
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Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 410. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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