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If you deeply thought about the meaning of the word “Space” you will have to admit that practically impossible to say about it something definite and really explain what it is.

Such words as “emptiness”, “vacuum”, “infinity”, “Universe” or something of the sort come to mind.

Agree it’s not easy for a man to talk about what is empty for him – invisibly, unheard, impalpably, haven’t taste and smell, while all around us can touch, see, hear, scent and taste.

As a result, in the minds of most people, space has always been a no more than an endless volume of emptiness in which there is our world and we ourselves - in other words, something non-existent.

The thinkers of philosophy and science have spent a lot of time and effort trying to find out what are the one relative to the other the space and all the objects in it.

Sure, originally space was interested by the scientists mainly from a practical point of view. Even in ancient times people had experienced a need to assess the distance between the bodies as accurately as possible.

A distance measurement – it’s a measurement in the space. For this is devoted the geometry, the basis of which was laid in III century before Christ by Euclid. He considered the space as an “emptiness”. From his point of view it’s characterized by isotropy, homogeneity and limitless.

For the realization of distance measurements Euclid need only three coordinates as opposite to the multitudinous following of the Einstein physics, for whom it’s not enough three and they brought down on us yet the fourth coordinate (dimension), fifth, sixth and so on. For what purpose?

Hereinafter the scientific views on this question became all more to approach to the philosophical ones.

In this scientific-philosophical synthesis the “space” was viewed everywhere together with the other category – the “time”. For them was contra posed the “Matter” or otherwise “material objects”.

In the history of philosophy there are two concepts describing relation to each other the space (and the time) and objects in it.

One of them is named as substantial, and other – relational.

Disagreement with each other of these concepts is directly connected with the scientific dispute of the classic mechanics and relativistic. These scientific debate can be called as the “dispute of Newton and Einstein extended through the time”.

The classical mechanics is based on the substantial concept according to this the space (and the time) exists by itself, regardless of the objects occupied this space.

I. Newton supposed that “the space where we live can be liken to the forever existing, unrestrictedly large, fixed “box” without sides – to the container of the Matter. The properties of this "box" does not change over time and do not depend on how the substance is distributed and redistributed in it "(Dictionary of the young physicist,"Space").


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 462. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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